So, Joe, please feel free to paste 


* Other Struts News:
24 June 2002 - Tiles Article in DeveloperWorks
23 June 2002 - Struts Controller UML Diagrams
12 June 2002 - Struts Console version 1.12.1
12 June 2002 - Easy Struts 0.2
12 June 2002 - Artimus 0.4
11 June 2002 - Struts Builder v0.4 beta<
07 Jun 2002 - O'Reilly Chapter 7
05 Jun 2002 - Struts Console version 1.12
07 Jun 2002 - Easy Struts on SourceForge
04 Jun 2002 - FL Child Support Payments: Powered by Struts
03 Jun 2002 - strutsGuessingGame1.0

* Struts News and Status page:


onto your original submission, and forward it over to Rob Oxspring now 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, it can be classified as our "official" 
submission. It's now also on our News page.

Many thanks  =:0)


Joe Germuska wrote:
> I haven't seen anyone else put forth pieces for the "jakarta
> newsletter", so I thought I'd take a crack at it.  I just browsed the
> list archives to refresh my memory, so chances are good I missed
> something.  Also, I didn't pay very close attention to the CVS and
> bugzilla posts, so I may have overlooked some important fix or
> addition...
> I have no great pride in the text either, so please feel free to "patch"
> anything below...
> * Path-based action mapping in 1.1
> One of the architectural advances from Struts 1.0 to Struts 1.1 involved
> supporting multiple applications with a single Struts controller
> servlet.  As part of the initial implementation of this functionality,
> some configuration flexibility was lost: the multi-application
> controller only supports mapping URLs to Struts "actions" by extension
> (i.e. "*.do") while Struts 1.0 also supported mapping by path prefix
> (i.e. "/do/*").  After James Young asked if any fixes were in the works
> [1], Craig McClanahan pointed out some of the complexities involved
> [2].  Ted Husted described a possible solution and asked for feedback
> about whether to pursue it. [3]
> [1]
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]&msgNo=8226
> [2]
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]&msgNo=8234
> [3]
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]&msgNo=8244
> * Tiles add-in to moved to core
> Craig McClanahan moved the "Tiles" add-in into the core CVS source tree
> from the "contrib" directory.[4] Ted Husted initiated a discussion about
> some code modifications to "Tiles" to make it work more closely with the
> core code base.[5]
> [4]
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]&msgNo=8682
> [5]
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]&msgNo=8621
> * FormBean: Interface or Class?
> The discussion about whether the "FormBean" concept was best implemented
> as an interface or a class resurfaced, and Craig McClanahan wrote a
> decisive response explaining the motivation for maintaining it as a
> class.[6]  In summary, designing FormBean as an interface would
> facilitate inappropriate tangling of the "model" layer with the "view"
> layer, while making it a class of its own encourages clean separation of
> those layers.
> [6]
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]&msgNo=8253
> * Struts and the Java Standard Tag Library (JSTL)
> After announcing the 1.0 release of the JSTL, Shawn Bayern offered
> assistance towards integrating the rich Struts tag libraries with the
> JSTL, which in many cases offers equivalent functionality.[7]  Craig
> McClanahan indicated that a likely goal for a post 1.1 release of Struts
> would be thorough integration with the JSTL expression language, and
> aiming towards an eventual replacement of the Struts "bean" and "logic"
> tag libraries with the equivalent tags from JSTL.[8]
> [7]
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]&msgNo=8434
> [8]
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]&msgNo=8439
> * New Committer: James Holmes
> James Holmes, author of the popular Struts Console tool, was proposed as
> a committer by Ted Husted [9] and was accepted unanimously.
> [9]
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]&msgNo=8341
> * Steps towards Struts 1.1b2
> As much of the activity on the list in June involved "swatting" bugs in
> the current 1.1b1 release, Craig McClanahan proposed steps towards a
> Struts 1.1b2 by around July 8th[10]  The requirements for the next beta
> are basically closing any remaining bugs and improving documentation of
> new Struts features. Committers responded  promptly with +1 votes and
> further contributions.
> [10]
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]&msgNo=8691
> --
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-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY US
-- Java Web Development with Struts
-- Tel: +1 585 737-3463
-- Web:

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