Can anyone point me to the apis for dynaforms (beans)


-----Original Message-----
From: Andre Beskrowni [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, November 22, 2002 9:48 AM
To: 'Struts Developers List'
Subject: Custom Actions? (was RE: Benefits of Dynaforms)

ok, this one sentence in ted's post caught my eye:

> I rarely write custom Actions any more. 

whoah.  how is this possible?  most of our web pages represent some sort of
database operation: displaying, creating, updating, or deleting.  i can see
how you can minimize the amount of code that would vary in individual Action
classes, but i don't see how could eliminate the need for subclassing
altogether.  maybe i'm just completely misunderstanding here.  could you
elaborate on your process?  



> Ideally, a framework like Struts should just be passing gestures 
> and data back and forth between the presentation pages and 
> business tier. IMHO, doing any "real" programming in Struts is an 
> engineering compromise. Architecturally, we should be trying to 
> help developers avoid as many "necessary evils" as possible. 
> DynaBeans serve that purpose by making it possible to avoid 
> creating and maintaining yet-another Java class, which, in 
> practice, often encroaches on the business tier. 
> Before DynaBeans, that practice was unavoidable (or at least 
> caused greater evils). With DynaBeans, there is a real possibility 
> that you could code the Struts portion of an application entirely 
> through XML configuration files, and keep all the "real 
> programming" on the business tier.
> Here's another kicker: Components like the Validator aren't just 
> for the web tier. You could also be using the Commons Validator in 
> the business tier, which opens the door to a common Validator 
> configuration shared by Struts and the business tier. 
> DynaBeans also have the potential of being the "missing buffer" we 
> need for data-entry. What about a DynaBean class that included a 
> "shadow" String field with every dynamic property? (All we need is 
> another map.) If we integrated a DynaBeanBuffer subclass with the 
> Validator, we could then declare field-level validations for our 
> properties. A validate method on the DynaBean could check each of 
> its buffers, and transfer the datea if validation passed, but 
> raise a flag if it didn't. We could then finally use the same bean 
> on the Web tier as we do on the business tier. This sort of thing 
> is a bear to code with conventional JavaBean, but might be worth 
> doing with something like the DynaBean.
> -Ted.
> --
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