husted      2003/08/11 04:34:26

  Added:       doc/proposals release-plan_1_2_0.xml
  Add draft of 1.2.0 release plan.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  jakarta-struts/doc/proposals/release-plan_1_2_0.xml
  Index: release-plan_1_2_0.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <document url="./release-plan-1.1rc2.xml">
          <author>Ted Husted</author>
          <author>Martin F N Cooper</author>
          <title>Struts Release Plan (Version 1.2.0)</title>
        <section name="Objective" href="objective">
                <font size="-2">$Id: release-plan_1_2_0.xml,v 1.1 2003/08/11 11:34:26 
husted Exp $</font>
                The objective of the <strong>Struts 1.2.0</strong> release is to 
provide an official version of all the
                changes that have been made to the main trunk of the jakarta-struts 
CVS since the release of Struts 1.1
        <section name="The Plan" href="plan">
                Since the release of version Struts 1.1 Final, we have removed many of 
the elements deprecated between
                Struts 1.0 and Struts 1.1 and made several bug fixes and minor 
                The following release plan is proposed for Struts 1.2.0:
                    <em>Tag Date</em> - Saturday, August 16, 2003, 23:59:59
                    <em>Release Manager</em> - Ted Husted
                    <em>Alpha Release Announcement</em> - To the following mailing 
                        <li>[EMAIL PROTECTED]</li>
                    <em>Beta/General Release Announcement</em> - To the following 
mailing lists:
                        <li>[EMAIL PROTECTED]</li>
                        <li>[EMAIL PROTECTED]</li>
                        <li>[EMAIL PROTECTED]</li>
                The release process shall follow the same general procedures 
established for the
                <a href="";>Apache HTTPD 
project</a> and
                <a href="";>Jakarta Commons 
products</a>, and utilize the
                HTTPD numbering scheme.
                The release will initially be given an Alpha status and made available 
through the Release Manager's home
                Pursuant to a Majority Vote on the <em>struts-dev</em> Mailing List, 
the release may be moved to the
                public release directory.
                The vote may also serve to reclassify the release to be of <b>Beta</b> 
or <b>General Availability</b> (GA)
                quality, as defined by the Apache HTTPD project.
                Subsequent votes may reclassify the release, either to promote it or 
to demote it, as need be.
        <section name="Specific Release Criteria" href="specific">
                Prior to the <b>Struts 1.2.0 release</b>, these specific action items 
must be completed:
                    The Roadmap page must be updated with an explanation of the new 
release numbering scheme.
        <section name="Standard Release Criteria" href="standard">
                Prior to <b>any release</b> by the Struts Committers, including this 
one, the following action items must
                be completed:
                    <b>Resolve showstoppers.</b>
                    Bugzilla tickets</a> verified by a Struts Committer to have the 
                    MAJOR must be "Resolved" with one of these Bugzilla resolutions: 
                    <b>Apply patches.</b>
                    Bugzilla reports</a> which include a working patch must be 
"Resolved" with any of the legal Bugzilla
                    resolutions (FIXED, INVALID, WONTFIX, LATER, REMIND, WORKSFORME).
                            Bug reports with patches that are resolved as LATER or 
REMIND shall include an explanation as
                            to why the patch should be applied in a later release.
                    <b>Test example applications.</b>
                    All example applications included with the release shall operate 
successfully under the
                    Reference Implementation containers for the Servlet/JSP 
specifications supported by the release.
                    In the case of a Struts 1.x.x release, these containers are:
                            Tomcat 3.3 (Servlet/JSP 2.3/1.2 Reference Implementation)
                            Tomcat 4.1 (Servlet/JSP 2.2/1.1 Reference Implementation)
                        The best available version of each container shall be used, as 
documented by the
                        <a href="";>Tomcat website</a> 
at the time the test is conducted.
                    <b>Update Release Notes.</b> The Release Notes for the 
distribution shall be updated to summarize any
                    substantial changes and improvements since the prior release, 
including updates to bundled
                    documentation and example applications.
        <section name="Minor Release Criteria" href="minor">
              Prior to an initial <b>Struts minor release</b> (#.#.0), the following 
action items must be completed:
                    <b>Review pending issues.</b>
                    All relevant
                    Bugzilla reports marked "Resolved" with the Resolutions LATER or 
REMIND</a> shall be reviewed to
                    ensure that pending issues have been addressed prior to the 
                    <b>Review pending enhancements.</b>
                    All relevant
                    Bugzilla reports marked "Enhancement"</a> shall be reviewed by the 
Release Manager to ensure that
                    all suitable enhancements have been made prior to the release.
                    <b>Resolve new issues.</b>
                      All relevant
                      Bugzilla tickets</a> MUST be marked as "Enhancement" or 
"Resolved" with any
                      of the legal Bugzilla resolutions (FIXED, INVALID, WONTFIX, 
                            Bug reports that are resolved as LATER or REMIND will 
include comments as to whether those
                            specific issues will be dealt with in a forthcoming minor 
release or whether they will be
                            considered in a future major release.
                    A Majority Vote shall take place on the <em>struts-dev</em> 
mailing list to approve a release plan
                    for the initial minor release.

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