With this proposal, I took a middle ground. The initial minor release (x.x.0) in a series called for a vote on a plan, but a plan would be optional for additional releases in the same series (1.2.1, 1.2.2, ...). So, we wouldn't have to vote on a plan again until we get to 1.3.0 or 2.0.0.

The rationale is that starting a new series (1.2.0 versus 1.1.0) is a decision upon which we should have a formal consensus. After that, issuing additional point releases in the same series can be "business as usual" .

Of course, this is just a vote on the plan. Once we roll the release, there would be another vote on whether to take that specific entity from Alpha to Beta and/or General Availability. (Though, personally, I prefer the more common "stable" designation to GA.)

Of course, as the HTTPD guidelines point out, under the Apache License, anyone can distribute a release of our codebase. It's just a matter of whether it can be called "Struts" or not. :)


Martin Cooper wrote:

I've added myself as an RM, since I'll be available to help. I can take on
the tag, roll, sign and announce part, if you like.

One thing I'd like to point out, because it came up in Commons, is that
the HTTPD process and the Jakarta process are not 100% compatible. In
particular, the Jakarta rules require a vote, while the HTTPD rules do
not. I suspect that this vote may be sufficient, but I'll check when I get
a chance.

Martin Cooper

On Tue, 16 Dec 2003, Ted Husted wrote:

I've amended the date on the (now venerable) 1.2.0 release plan for this


I believe the release notes are in good shape now. I already marched
through most of the stale 1.0/1.1 tickets, and can mop up the rest in
short order. I imagine there will be a few patches that we can apply,
but I've carved out some time to work on such.

Note that I've left room in the release plan for the idea of multiple
managers. If someone were up for sheparding the tests, especially the
example application testing, I'd welcome the help. Someone else could
also sign up for the final tag, roll, and announce part of the job. Of
course, if everyone is busy, I'll be happy to muddle through on my own. :)

Since this is a x.0 release, the plan calls for a majority vote.

Here's my +1


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