Following up on a brief thread on this list in December [1], Craig, Ted and I have put together a draft resolution to the board of directors [2], along with a cover letter [3], that would promote Struts to an Apache top-level project (TLP).
The main reasons for moving to a TLP are described on the wiki [4]. In Craig's words, "The short answer, though, is we will be in charge of our own releases (currently, the Jakarta PMC is the only body legally recognized to vote on releases of *any* software under Jakarta)." In practice, we can really just continue doing what we've always done.
As most of you are no doubt aware, several Jakarta sub-projects have already made the transition to TLPs, including Ant, Avalon, Gump, James, Log4J, Maven, OJB, and Torque. Most Jakarta PMC members seem to be in favour of the migrations, largely because a single PMC cannot possibly oversee a code base the size of all of Jakarta.
If you're OK with Struts being a top-level Apache project, please respond to this thread with either a +1 or +0. Otherwise, please reply with your concerns. When we previously discussed this, it did not seem like anyone was opposed to the idea, but if anyone is, now is the time to speak up.
The resolution as drafted lists the Struts Committers who could reasonably be considered active at this time. Of course, we should not put anyone on the PMC without their buy-in, so the final resolution would only list the Committers who responded to the Vote with a +1 or +0.
The draft resolution also leaves the name of the Vice President blank. Craig seems like the logical candidate, and is willing to act in this capacity, but we wanted the VP selection to be a community decision. So, please also respond with your nomination for Vice President, Apache Struts.
Here's my +1 on the resolution as drafted, and my +1 for Craig as Vice President.
+1 for Struts as a top level project +1 for Craig as VP
Please feel free to add my name to the cover letter.
Joe Germuska [EMAIL PROTECTED] "Imagine if every Thursday your shoes exploded if you tied them the usual way. This happens to us all the time with computers, and nobody thinks of complaining."
-- Jef Raskin
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