Ted Husted wrote:
On Tue, 23 Mar 2004 10:07:55 +0000, Peter A. Pilgrim wrote:

In my experienc multiple CVS repositories can make a project much
harder to manage. But are we singing from the same hymn sheet? Is a
"multiple repository" equal ( or not equal) to a CVS module?

We mean multiple CVS modules. The original idea being each module would generate a jar. Product==JAR==Module==unit-of-release.

One list of potential products -- each with its own JAR, module, and release cycle -- would be:

* core (including tiles and validator)
* examples
* site
* whiteboard (or "sandbox")

* opt-taglib
* opt-el
* opt-faces

aka "the seven dwarfs" :)

Now it clearer.

Well this is how Expresso CVS is laid out and an old investment bank
project  which I was involved in a couple years ago was laid out like
that as well.

I guess the hard part of copying jar and build a web app from CVS
modules have already been discussed. Still it is the only way to
go if you want to Struts to be modular. So +1 from me.

Peter Pilgrim
           __ _____ _____ _____
          / //__  // ___// ___/   +  Serverside Java
         / /___/ // /__ / /__     +  Struts
        / // ___// ___// ___/     +  Expresso Committer
     __/ // /__ / /__ / /__       +  Independent Contractor
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