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REPORT #793 Details.

Project: Struts
Category: Bug Report
SubCategory: New Bug Report
Class: swbug
State: received
Priority: high
Severity: serious
Confidence: public
   Release: cvs head (2001/01/17)
   JVM Release: java 1.3
   Operating System: win32
   OS Release: win2k
   Platform: intel x86

ErrorsTag doesn't report certain runtime errors.

bea weblogic 5.1 has serious classloader issues.

under certain circumstances, when an ActionErrors object is stored into the request 
scope inside of an action, the classloader that creates the stored ActionErrors is 
different than the classloader that retrieves it in ErrorsTag.doStartTag() [line 142]. 
 Since the two classloaders are different, the check (value instanceof ActionErrors) 
fails, the flow of control drops through the if...ifelse block, and no errors are 

under the premise that if something is broken, we should be informed, i have created a 
patch to ErrorsTag that, while it does not fix the real problem, tells us that the 
problem exists rather than failing silently.

this classloader issue is a known issue in wls5.1, but bea support's only solution is 
to upgrade to wls6.0.

by precompiling jsps the classloader problem is alleviated, but bea support would not 
confirm that that is a good workaround.
Title: BugRat Report # 793

BugRat Report # 793

Project: Struts Release: cvs head (2001/01/17)
Category: Bug Report SubCategory: New Bug Report
Class: swbug State: received
Priority: high Severity: serious
Confidence: public

Submitter: Jason Songhurst ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] )
Date Submitted: Jan 17 2001, 04:08:15 CST
Responsible: Z_Struts Alias ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] )

ErrorsTag doesn't report certain runtime errors.
Environment: (jvm, os, osrel, platform)
java 1.3, win32, win2k, intel x86

Additional Environment Description:
weblogic 5.1 sp6 the classloader issue could be replicated regularly on some machines, on both win32 and solaris, but on other machines, the classloader issue never surfaced. the only difference seemed to be in the speed of the machine: faster machines had the problem more.

Report Description:
bea weblogic 5.1 has serious classloader issues. under certain circumstances, when an ActionErrors object is stored into the request scope inside of an action, the classloader that creates the stored ActionErrors is different than the classloader that retrieves it in ErrorsTag.doStartTag() [line 142]. Since the two classloaders are different, the check (value instanceof ActionErrors) fails, the flow of control drops through the if...ifelse block, and no errors are reported. under the premise that if something is broken, we should be informed, i have created a patch to ErrorsTag that, while it does not fix the real problem, tells us that the problem exists rather than failing silently. this classloader issue is a known issue in wls5.1, but bea support's only solution is to upgrade to wls6.0. by precompiling jsps the classloader problem is alleviated, but bea support would not confirm that that is a good workaround.


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