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  Original subject: NEED HELP PLEASE.....................
greg reddin

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I am using Struts version 0.5 
I am trying to use struts:link tag.
I need to send parameters. How do I do this?

Say for example I have 
        <logic:iterate id="category" name="dispCategoriesBean"
property="categories" >
                    <td align="left">
                      <struts:htmlProperty name="category"
                    <td align="left">
                      <struts:htmlProperty name="category" property="name"/>
                    <td align="left">
                      <struts:htmlProperty name="category"
Say I need to do a href with parameter categoryID, how do I do this?


Sharmila Pandith
Software Engineer
iXL Inc.

phone: 212-500-5180
AIM: spandith
Yahoo: spandith
MSN: spandith

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