Hello Ted, 

Thanks for your response.
However, I made a distinction between displaying fields of a Model bean on a
JSP and updating or creating a Model bean on a JSP. For updating or creating
a Customer an initialized deliveryAddress should be there in the Form Bean,
no doubt about this.

Note that the Struts framework makes the same distinction: only for updating
or creating Model beans a Form Bean is needed (so for HTML Forms).
However, when I want to display the fields of a Model bean I do not like to
change the Model bean. In our application we use Entity Beans (EJB), and
Entity beans can have a deliveryAddress with value null (when the foreign
key relating a deliveryAddress to a Customer in the Customer table is null).

Regards, Arjan.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ted Husted [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2001 12:55 PM
> To: Struts Dev
> Subject: RE: cvs commit: jakarta-struts/web/test html-multibox.jsp
> html-s etters.jsp
> Personally, I would think there's a difference between an individual
> method returning null, and an entire object being absent. 
> I also wonder about the idea that "The deliveryAddress is optional, so
> can be null." 
> If I understand the hypothetical, deliveryAddress is optional only if
> the user doesn't enter anything into the fields. If they do enter
> something, then it is no longer "optional", and the input will have to
> go somewhere. So then the ActionForm would need to know how to create
> this object "on the fly". I would submit that this is more work than
> just creating an empty object to begin with. 
> >I do not like to change a model bean (model as Model in the MVC
> pattern) only for getting it displayed correctly on a JSP page.
> What changes would you need to make? If it is a bean, should it not
> have a default, empty constructor?
> It may also be important to note that most people may not want to put
> the actual model bean on the Action Form, but rather a copy. Otherwise
> things like "reset", "undo" and general validation can become
> problematic. 
> An approach I'm working on now is to include Struts-friendly, but
> generally useful, methods in my model beans, like like reset() and
> copyProperties(). (I'm also considering validate() for simple type
> checking.)
> If I were using model beans that were shared with another
> implementation, I would consider subclassing them to add 
> these methods,
> and perhaps having copyProperties copy data from the super 
> class to the
> Struts-friendly class. In that case, I may also need to add other
> signatures, to accomodate the fact that input from a HTML form will
> always be string based, regardless of what the ultimate host type.
> *********** REPLY SEPARATOR  ***********
> On 1/18/2001 at 10:52 AM Kok, Arjan wrote:
> I have to disagree with you on this point. 
> Consider for example a Customer Bean with two addresses: 
> mailingAddress
> and
> deliveryAddress. The deliveryAddress is optional, so can be 
> null. Next,
> I
> try to display (read only) the Customer properties in a JSP Page. In
> the
> current situation, before displaying the JSP page, the deliveryAddress
> object must exist. That is, I have to create a deliveryAddress with
> empty
> fields if a deliveryAddress is null, only for letting the Struts tag
> (property or write) do it's work. Why not display all requested
> properties
> of the deliveryAddress as a zero lenght string if the deliveryAddress
> is
> null. I do not like to change a model bean (model as Model in the MVC
> pattern) only for getting it displayed correctly on a JSP page.
> I agree that when trying to update or create Customer properties, an
> initialized deliveryAddress should be there, but then in the 
> Form Bean.
> Arjan Kok
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2001 6:49 PM
> > Subject: Re: cvs commit: jakarta-struts/web/test html-multibox.jsp
> > html-setters.jsp
> > 
> > 
> > "Kok, Arjan" wrote:
> > 
> > > Hello Craig,
> > >
> > > What happens if in the code snippet <html:text
> > > property="mailingAddress.street"/> mailingAddress is null? 
> > I would expect
> > > Struts not to raise an exception for initial display when 
> > mailingAddress is
> > > null, because Struts will also not raise an exception when 
> > street is null.
> > > If Struts raises an exception in the former, I would like 
> > an opportunity in
> > > Struts to check if there is a nested bean (e.g. by extending the
> > > logic:present tag).
> > >
> > 
> > Right now, Struts would throw an IllegalArgumentException 
> > ("Null property value
> > for 'mailingAddress'") if the mailingAddress property is null.
> > 
> > If mailingAddress is not null, but mailingAddress.street is 
> > null, a null will be
> > returned from PropertyUtils.getProperty(), which will 
> > ultimately display as a
> > zero length string in an <html:text> tag.
> > 
> > IMHO this is appropriate behavior.  It is up to the 
> > application designer to
> > ensure that all of the property values before the last one in a
> nested
> > expression are valid and non-null.  In Java terms, that means 
> > the tags expect
> > you to have initialized an Address with empty fields, and called
> > setMailingAddress() on your underlying bean, as part of the 
> > initial setup of the
> > "outer" bean.
> > 
> > 
> > >
> > > Arjan Kok.
> > 
> > Craig
> > 
> >

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