craigmcc    01/01/27 21:27:23

  Modified:    src/share/org/apache/struts/util package.html
  Document the specialized collection classes that operate in fast and slow
  mode for multithreaded environments.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.3       +91 -0     jakarta-struts/src/share/org/apache/struts/util/package.html
  Index: package.html
  RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-struts/src/share/org/apache/struts/util/package.html,v
  retrieving revision 1.2
  retrieving revision 1.3
  diff -u -r1.2 -r1.3
  --- package.html      2000/12/29 19:16:37     1.2
  +++ package.html      2001/01/28 05:27:21     1.3
  @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
   <div align="center">
   <a href="#doc.Intro">[Introduction]</a>
   <a href="#doc.Beans">[Beans and Properties]</a>
  +<a href="#doc.Collections">[Collection Classes]</a>
   <a href="#doc.JDBC">[JDBC Connection Pool]</a>
   <a href="#doc.Messages">[Message Resources]</a>
  @@ -48,6 +49,96 @@
  +<a name="doc.Collections"></a>
  +<h3>Collection Classes</h3>
  +<p>Version 1.2 of the Java 2 Standard Edition (J2SE) introduced a powerful
  +set of collection classes that are generally useful in Java programming, based
  +on the fundamental interfaces <code>java.util.Collection</code>,
  +<code>java.util.List</code>, <code>java.util.Map</code>, and
  +<code>java.util.Set</code>.  Compared to the collection classes available in
  +JDK 1.1 (principally <code>java.util.Hashtable</code> and
  +<code>java.util.Vector</code>), the new classes offer much richer functionality
  +as well as the opportunity to improve performance.</p>
  +<p>The performance increase potential comes from the fact that none of the
  +methods used to access the new collection classes are <code>synchronized</code>
  +as were the methods of <code>Hashtable</code> and <code>Vector</code>.  In a
  +single thread application, this means that method calls can execute much more
  +quickly because synchronization is never necessary.  In a multiple thread
  +environment, though, it is up to the developer to ensure that any method calls
  +made while another thread is modifying the collection must be synchronized.
  +<p>There are many cases in multithreaded server environments (such as a web
  +application) where data structures are initialized at application startup
  +time, and are then predominantly accessed in a read-only manner.  An example
  +of this is the Struts controller application, which initializes its collection
  +of <code>ActionMapping</code> instances (each corresponding to an
  +<code>&lt;action&gt;</code> element in the <code>struts-config.xml</code>
  +file) at startup time.  However, it is legal for an application to dynamically
  +change the set of available mappings while the application is running -- so,
  +to be safe, it would normally be necessary to synchronize access to such
  +collections, even though 99% of those accesses are read only and would not
  +otherwise require synchronization.</p>
  +<p>To deal with such scenarios, the Struts utility package includes a series
  +of specialized collection classes designed to operate in a multithread
  +environment where the large majority of accesses are read only, without
  +requiring synchronization on every operation, but still protecting against
  +the possibility of runtime modifications to the underlying collection.</p>
  +<h5>Theory of Operation</h5>
  +<p>Each of the available collection classes operates in one of two modes:
  +<em>fast</em> or <em>slow</em>.  When first created, the collection operates
  +in <em>slow</em> mode, which is appropriate for initially populating the
  +contents of the collection.  Once the initial population is complete, switch
  +to <em>fast</em> mode by calling <code>setFast(true)</code> for maximum
  +performance when most accesses are read-only.</p>
  +<p>When operating in <em>slow</em> mode, all methods that access this
  +collection, even read-only methods, are synchronized - resulting in impacts on
  +performance similar to that always performed by the <code>Hashtable</code> and
  +<code>Vector</code> classes.  This mode is appropriate when you are
  +initializing the content of the collection, or when you need to perform a large
  +series of updates.</p>
  +<p>Using <em>fast</em> mode, on the other hand, causes method calls to operate
  +in the following manner:</p>
  +<li>Method calls that access information from the collection, but do not
  +    modify it, are executed <strong>without</strong> synchronization.</li>
  +<li>Method calls that modify the structure of a collection do so by
  +    synchronizing, cloning the existing collection instance, modifying the
  +    cloned instance, and then replacing the current collection instance.</li>
  +<p>As you can see, modification operations are <strong>much</strong> more
  +expensive when operating in <em>fast</em> mode, but doing things in this way
  +allows read only operations, which should be the vast majority, to operate at
  +maximum speed.</p>
  +<p>If your collection will <strong>never</strong> be accessed in a multithread
  +environment, you should use one of the standard collection classes instead,
  +without synchronization, for maximum performance.</p>
  +<h5>Available Collection Classes</h5>
  +<p>The following collection classes, with the ability to operate in either
  +<em>fast</em> or <em>slow</em> mode, are included:</p>
  +<li><a href="FastArrayList.html">org.apache.struts.util.FastArrayList</a> -
  +    Similar in functionality to <code>java.util.ArrayList</code>.</li>
  +<li><a href="FastHashMap.html">org.apache.struts.util.FastHashMap</a> -
  +    Similar in functionality to <code>java.util.HashMap</code>.</li>
  +<li><a href="FastTreeMap.html">org.apache.struts.util.FastTreeMap</a> -
  +    Similar in functionality to <code>java.util.TreeMap</code>.</li>
   <a name="doc.JDBC"></a>
   <h3>JDBC Connection Pool</h3>

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