The example I chose wasn't very good. In that case it would be much simpler
to do as you suggest. However you can't do the same thing if your link is
based on an ActionForward. An example that I actually use is as follows.

<html:link forward="/search/hierarchy" paramId="id" paramName="row"
paramProperty="values[1].value" linkName="<%= hid.toString() %>"> 

It is part of a page that displays a hierarchical set of results and uses
the link name to scroll to the required node. Without this modification I
couldn't see any way of achieving this.

Also, the behaviour I've added is exactly what I expected the linkName to do
when I noticed it had been added. It seems to me to be more consistent for
it to be able to generate both a target and a link to that target rather
than just the first.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 27 January 2001 04:13
> Subject: Re: LinkTag
> Howard Moore wrote:
> > Another tag modification for consideration.
> >
> > I've modified the LinkTag so that if both name and linkName 
> are specified a
> > link to a target on a page is built. For example this;
> >
> > <html:link href="/some/page.html" linkName="bottom">
> >
> > now produces this;
> >
> > <a href="/some/page.html#bottom">
> >
> Is there a particular reason that doing it this way would be 
> better than:
>     <html:link href="/some/page.html#bottom"/>
> ?  I'm concerned about making it hard to understand what the 
> linkName attribute
> is for.
> >
> > -------------------------------------------
> > Howard Moore
> Craig

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