The following procedure worked for Struts builds up until a few days ago (I
am not sure what changed, but I am no longer able to deploy the example
application to WL). In any case, I would like to help out and contribute if
I can, so perhaps parts of this could be used for release notes, and if not
then it might make a good starting point for someone else that has more
experience with WebLogic? However, if this will not work for the latest
struts build then I guess it is basically worthless :(



(1) Install and configure service pack 8 for WebLogic.

(2) Obtain the Xerces XML parser (do not use the Sun reference
implementation) and add xerces.jar to your WebLogic system path.

(3) Obtain and unpack the Struts binary distribution.

(4) Add an entry to for each of the Struts web
applications that you would like to configure. For example, to make the
struts-example application available, add the following line to


(5) You do not need to include struts.jar or any of the application specific
classes in the WebLogic classpath, since this will be done automatically.

(6) Start WebLogic server and point your web browser to the struts
application. For example, to connect to the example application added in
step 4:


* This example application depends on the Struts specific resource file to be present on the classpath. However,
WebLogic only extracts *.class files from the archive so this file will not
be found, resulting in an error the first time it is needed-
javax.servlet.ServletException: runtime failure in custom tag 'message'.
Steps 7 & 8 will need to be performed for this application, and any other
that relies on

(7)  Extract from the *.war file, and
manually copy it to the respective package in the _tmp_war_ directory
WebLogic created for this application. Again referring to the struts-example
application, this would be:


(8) Restart WebLogic. You will now be able to run the application:


* The above steps should be followed for applications deployed as *.war
files. For unpacked web applications, configuration involves adding both
struts.jar and /WEB-INF/classes to the WebLogic classpath (which is ugly and
could cause other problems). For this reason, I would suggest deploying
applications as war files to WebLogic. However, the same example application
can be successfully deployed in extracted format by modifying (assuming the war was extracted to directory


And starting WebLogic with the updated WebLogic classpath. For example:

c:\jdk1.3\bin\java -ms16m -mx64m -classpath
s-example\WEB-INF\classes -Dweblogic.system.home=c:\weblogic\weblogic\weblogic.policy

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