"Craig R. McClanahan" wrote:
> In addition, the top-level build.xml needs to be updated -- I can do that
> for you, if you like.

That would be good; I haven't gotten very far into the XML yet.-)

>You mean include the webapp sources in the WEB-INF itself?  That 
>wouldn't be too hard, but seems somewhat redundant because they are all 
>in the Struts source distro anyway.

Well, my next suggestion was that I'd like to rework the installation
page to start with 

* installing the Struts documentation and example applications, 
* then compiling your own Struts application from the binary
distribution, and 
* finally compiling Struts from source. 

In outline form, I think it would go something like this:

Prerequisites to install Struts sample applications

+ Servlet/JSP container <FAQ>
+ *.WAR files from Struts binary download (/webapps folder)

(also make the .WARs a separate ZIP file?)

Additional prerequisites to build your own Struts application

+ Ant or other Java development tool <FAQ>
+ Struts.jar in your tool's path <FAQ>
+ Servlets API classes in your tool's path
+ Optional, struts-blank.war - rename as your application.

Additional prerequisites to build Struts from source

+ Ant 2.1+ build system
+ JDBC 2.0+ Optional Package Classes 
+ XML Parser
+ Xalan XSLT Processor

The general idea being I'd like to make it * very * easy for people to
take Struts for a test-drive, peek at the source to see what we are up
to, and then get started with the framework in a stepwise fashion. 

If we did want to do something like this, it might be cleanest if the
WARs were self-contained, and the source lived there. 


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