I still have an outstanding issue with database connection with
PostgreSQL that effective cripples the system. I've posted about
it to the users mailing list, and didn't put it into the
bug system (silly me). I won't have time before the vote closes
to log the bug.

Any suggestions?

"Craig R. McClanahan" wrote:
> Now that the TODO list for 1.0 (and the bug reports in Bugzilla) are
> dwindling away, it's time for a 1.0-beta-1 release of Struts!  I just
> checked in an initial draft of a release plan that talks about what will
> happen, and the criteria for release.  Please take a moment to review
> this document:
>     http://jakarta.apache.org/struts/release-plan-1.0b1.html
> and vote on your acceptance of this plan.  Release plans must pass by a
> majority vote of committers on the project, but all other interested
> parties are welcome to cast their votes (and/or make comments or
> suggestions on the plan) as well.
> Craig McClanahan

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