
When setting the args (arg0,arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4)
you must do this:
<bean:message key="foo.foo.foo" arg0="foo1" arg1="foo2"/>

But i think it is very rare that you know exactly at design time of the jsp
what value there must be. Because if you do then why not set it directly in
the message it self?

So it is almost any time a runtime expression.
But then i must do things like this:

<bean:define id="argstring1" value="totalautotheft"/>
<bean:define id="argstring2" value="autotheft"/>
<bean:define id="insurance" name="carinsurance" scope="session"
<bean:message key="prompt.advise.wacasco" arg0="<%=
insurance.getProperty(argstring1).toString() %>" arg1="<%=
insurance.getProperty(argstring2).toString() %>"/>

I must define
        <bean:define id="argstring1" value="totalautotheft"/>
because i can't do this:
        <bean:message arg0="<%= insurance.getProperty("totalautotheft").toString()

I find this a bug of the Tomcat parser if you ask me. Because if he sees
that it is a reqexpr (<%=)
then it should first find the %> before looking at the closing "!!

Because if these problems i wanted to find a solution
Why is is not possible that i get the Object[] from a name/property???
Then the BeanTag is also not limmited to only 5 args

My example for the above one:

<app:message key="prompt.advise.wacasco" (arg)name="insurance"

and the insurance.getWacascoObjects() does return the Object[] for that
object[0] = insurance.getProperty("totalautotheft");
object[1] = insurance.getProperty("autotheft");
return object;

Johan Compagner

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