Do you really want the position, or do you just want the element at that 
position? The sample snippet and subsequent question indicate that you want 
the latter. If that's the case, your snippet would translate to:

<logic:iterate id="myCollectionElement" name="list">
     <bean:write name="myCollectionElement"/><br>

Hope this helps.

Martin Cooper

At 06:45 AM 3/16/01, raghu tadi wrote:
><logic:iterate id="myCollectionElement" name="list">
>  Do something with myCollectionElement
>How do i get the Position value of a particular element in say a Vector 
>when i use the iterate tag.Sample snippet would be like,
>Vector v has some String elements..
>for(int i =0 ; i < v.size(); i++)
>   out.println(v.elementAt(i));
>Question is: How do i get the i-th element from Vector V when i use the 
>Iterate Tag..
>Please Respond.
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