On Tue, 27 Mar 2001, raghu tadi wrote:

> How would the bean element holding a vector of String objects be type casted 
> to a String Object.
> Snippet :
> <%
>       Vector v = new Vector();
>       v.addElement(new String("John Doe"));
>       v.addElement(new String("Jane Doe"));
>       pageContext.setAttribute("v",v, PageContext.PAGE_SCOPE);
> %>
> <logic:iterate id="main" name="v">
> // Snippet gives the general picture as of what im looking for..
> <% String name = (String)(<bean:write name="main"/>) %>
> out.println(name);
> </logic:iterate>

You cannot use custom tags inside a scriptlet, so the above solution won't

> Its imperative that i get the bean element into a String since this String 
> object would be passed into a SQL Query or a method returning a Query 
> result. This would look Stupid but definitely serves the purpose..
> Please Respond.
> Raghu..

How about something like this (although Struts isn't really designed to
make scriptlets work well, it does cooperate with them :-):

  Vector names = new Vector();
  names.addElement("John Doe");
  names.addElement("Jane Doe");
  pageContext.setAttribute("names", names, PageContext.PAGE_SCOPE);

<logic:iterate id="name" name="names" type="java.lang.String">
  The current name is <%= name %>.

The "type" attribute on the <logic:iterate> tag determines the Java type
of the scripting variable that is created (name).  By default, it is


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