Great idee's!!
First thing to be included after the final of 1.0??


----- Original Message -----
From: "Niall Pemberton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2001 8:15 AM
Subject: IF / ELSE and SWITCH/CASE Tags

> Can I submit these logic tags for inclusion in Struts - they are on the
> list for 1.1?
> Attached are tags to do If/Else and Switch/Case logic, based on existing
> Struts logic tag classes - the key classes inherit from the Struts
> CompareTagBase.
> 1) IF/ELSE: (IfTag, ThenTag, ElseTag)
> The IfTag provides the same functionality as the Equal, NotEqual,
> LessThan, GreaterThan, GreaterEqual, Match, NoMatch, Present, NotPresent
> tags by specifying that in the "op" attribute.
> Example Usage:
>   <logic:if op="GreaterThan" name="testbean" property="doubleProperty"
> value="400">
>       <logic:then>
>             Property Greater Than Value
>       </logic:then>
>       <logic:else>
>             Property Not Greater Than Value
>       </logic:else>
>   </logic:if>
> 2) SWITCH/CASE: (SwitchTag, CaseTag, DefaultTag)
> Example Usage:
>   <logic:switch name="testbean" property="doubleProperty">
>     <logic:case value ="1">1 matched</logic:case>
>     <logic:case value ="321">321 matched 1st</logic:case>
>     <logic:case value ="321">321 matched 2nd</logic:case>
>     <logic:case value ="555">555 matched</logic:case>
>     <logic:default>No values matched - default processing</logic:default>
>   </logic:switch>
> [[ LOGIC.ZIP : 1568 in winmail.dat ]]

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