"Tonarino kyacua, yoku-ki-ka-ku Kyuacuda"

What about allowing two or three different displays of currency, but only
one type of currency for data entry.  That way I could be in England
entering pounds, but seeing display values in Pounds, Hong Kong $, and Euro.
Of course this keeps making me think that at this point we are talking about
accessing the current exchange rates, which than you would need a feed etc.
This IS true because thereare countries in SOuth america whos currency jumps
and dives each week, and you would not be presenting viewers with the
correct exchange.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Westbay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 04, 2001 7:33 PM
Subject: Re: Client/Server Side Validation for Struts 1.1

> Husted-san wrote:
> > In this context, we would want the validators to be able to recognize
> > _xx as the location (or have a super method that parsed that from the
> > locale for them). This would allow us to continue to use the one session
> > locale property to cover both situations.
> But what kind of compexity are you looking at?  Let's take a small example
> languages and countries to cover:
> Languages:  English, Spainish, Japanese
> Locales:  U.S., England, Spain, Japan
> Now you need resources:
>   en, en_US, en_UK, en_ES, en_JP
>   es, es_US, es_UK, es_ES, es_JP
>   ja, ja_US, ja_UK, ja_ES, ja_JP
> Add a language, multiply by 5.
> Add a country, multipy the result by 4.
> And most of the strings will be repeated over and over ad. nasuim.
> It seems to me that the target locale (meaning place) should be separate
> some sort of formatted strings like "(###)###-####".
> Units of measure (dollars, yet, pesos) etc. can be localized in the
> file, as well as display order.  For example:
>   Language_en.properties:
>     usdollar_value=US$ {0}
>     yen_value={0} yen
>     peso_value={0} pesos
>   Language_ja.properties:
>     usdollar_value={0}ドル
>     yen_value={0}円
>     peso_value={0}ペソ
> This way, the formatting/format checking "0.00" or "#.##" can be written
> once, and used by all of the languagues.
> This still doesn't cover the problem with providing a choice of two
> currencies (as in the EC).  Any suggestions?
> --
> Michael Westbay
> Work: Beacon-IT http://www.beacon-it.co.jp/
> Home:           http://www.seaple.icc.ne.jp/~westbay
> Commentary:     http://www.japanesebaseball.com/

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