Mike, I'm from Lower merion and I went to Penn.  My cousin is an engineer at

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2001 11:27 AM
Subject: RE: WhoWeAre

> Ted,
> If you could add this for me I'd appreciate it:
> -----------------------------------------------
> Mike Schachter
> I'm currently a student of computer
> science at Drexel University in Philadelphia, PA.
> I've been working at HP Middleware, formerly
> Bluestone Software for 3 years programming in
> Java and recently J2EE technologies.  I'm a full
> time worker from September until April and a student
> and part time worker from April until August.
> In my spare time I've been known to run monkey-knife
> fights in a shady south philly warehouse.  Err...
> I mean... nothing.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ted Husted [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2001 8:33 AM
> Subject: WhoWeAre
> I'm going to slip a WhoWeAre page to the documentation later today,
> listing the contributors and Committers.
> This would go over the WhoWeAre text that is in the root folder of the
> distribution. Craig and I have longish bios there. If any other
> Committers would like to send me theirs, I'll include them in the
> update.
> Source Code Contributors
> ------------------------
> Arun M. Thomas
> Chris Audley
> Craig R. McClanahan
> David Geary
> Don Clasen
> Florent Carpentier
> Jeff Hutchison
> Jimmy Larsson
> Luis Arias
> Marius Barduta
> Mike Schachter
> Niall Pemberton
> Ralph Schaer
> Rob Leland
> Sean Kelly
> Ted Husted
> User Guide Contributors
> -----------------------
> Chris Assenza
> Craig R. McClanahan
> David Geary
> dIon Gillard
> Eric Wu
> John Rousseau
> Larry McCay
> Martin Cooper
> Matthias Kerkhoff
> Mike Schachter
> Robert Hayden
> Stanley Santiago
> Ted Husted
> Wong Kok Kai
> Active Committers
> -----------------
> Craig R. McClanahan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> David Geary ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Michael Schachter ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Ted Husted ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Rob Leland ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Vincent Massol ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Cedric Dumoulin ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Martin Cooper ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Emeritus Committers
> -------------------
> + Luis Arias
> + Pierre Delilse
> More About Us ...
> ------------------
> < Craig and Ted hyperbole />
> -- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
> -- Custom Software ~ Technical Services.
> -- Tel 716 737-3463.
> -- http://www.husted.com/about/struts/

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