How about:

< ... />

* Utility classes for XML parsing, automatic JavaBean population, and
internationalization of prompts and messages. 

Strut's support for internationalization builds on top of the Java
Locale API, and has made it a popular choice for applications worldwide.
Struts contributors include developers from Australia, France, Russia,
and other parts of the globe.

< ... />

I'm thinking of adding a "News" section to the Web site, where we can
store such things.

Martin Cooper wrote:
> Ted,
> Looks good. I'd like to see a little more "visibility" for the
> internationalization capabilities in Struts, though. In my experience,
> that's something that catches peoples' attention, because they know they'll
> have to do it one day, and knowing that the framework comes with built in
> support is a big plus. Perhaps you could add a fourth bullet that says
> something about how the content of a page can be obtained from resources
> based on the user's locale, or something like that.

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