Hi all,

I am new to ant tool and  shall appreciate if some one would help me out
I am facing strange problem while using ant 1.2 with jdk1.2.2/1.3, its like
am not able to exclude some of the java files during the build .
I had tried using excludes/excludefile option but it is taking all files
including the one to be excluded without showing any errors.

     for example below in target release am trying to exclude all the files
under xml folder but its compiling all the java files

 <project name="hartford" default="release" basedir=".">
    <target name="init">
       <property name="classpath" value="icr\icrprime\lib\activation.jar"/>
       <property name="src" value="icr\icrprime\java"/>
       <property name="destdir" value="icr\icrprime\classes"/>

    <target name="release" depends="init">
       <javac srcdir="${src}" destdir="${destdir}" classpath="${classpath}">
          <exclude name="${src}\com\claimplace\icr\xml\*.java"/>

Looking forward for some feedback..........

thanks and regards,



Manish Sanga
Tanning Technologies International
 Call : 91 40 3550093/95 Ext - 8467

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