I'm submitting the transformations package as a struts extension.
I've also updated the extensions package to include support for the
destroy() and initDigester() functions and repackaged the source/class
into a .zip file (thanks Niall, Ted).

What's a transformation?  Briefly:
Transformations are responsible
for taking an object in one form and transforming it into another.
they can be used for transforming properties of business
objects for inclusion in a JSP page, and processing fields received in
HTTP request.

Note that this transformation package depends on the
extensions package I sent out a couple days ago.
Both packages, along with design docs & samples, can be retrieved from:

The README for transformations has more information and is attached to
this file.

Transformations Package

This package contains the transformations functionality for the
struts framework.  This package is a type of struts extension,
so this package is dependent on the
extensions package (http://www.rpsenterprises.com/struts/).
You'll have to include that .jar file and use the ExtensionServlet.

Transformations are responsible for taking an object in one form
and transforming it into another.  Specifically, transforming
properties of business objects for inclusion in a JSP page, and
processing fields received in the HTTP request.  The Transformation base class
has a concept of a forward transformation, and reverse transformation.
A forward transformation takes an object from its primary form to
a secondary form (e.g. Date object to String).  A reverse 
transformation takes an object from a secondary form to its primary
form (e.g. String to Date).
Transformations are created by a transformations factory
(TransFactory).  The SimpleTransFactory, which implements the TransFactory
interface, returns transformations that were configured from an XML
configuration file.

The transformations configuration file lists the transformations that
are to be created and returned by the factory.  The format is pretty

  <transformation className="org.strutsx.transformations.SimpleSortTrans" 
name="simpleSort" makeCopy="true">

In the above example, a single transformation is being configured.  The
class of the transformation is identified by the className attribute.
Every transformation must have className & name attributes. The name is used to
look up the transformation.  Any other attributes are specific to the
transformation being configured.  In the above example, makeCopy is
being set to true, specifying the sorting transformation should make
a copy of the collection being sorted.
See testTransformations.xml for an example.

I've subclassed a couple struts JSP tags to make them transformation-aware.
They are the bean:write and logic:iterate tags.  I call them
beanx:write and logicx:iterate.  Both tags now take a transformation
argument which is a reference to the transformation object to be applied.
The iterate tag also takes a transArg1 argument which gets passed to
the Transformation object.  Specifically, I've been using 
transArg1 to pass the sort order (ascending/descending) to the
sort transformation.
See testTrans.jsp for an example.

As I said above, transformations depends on the extensions package.
To set up the transformations extensions, you must insert something
like the following into your struts-config.xml:

    <extension className="org.strutsx.transformations.TransformationsExtension" 


The configRes argument tells TransformationsExtension where to find its
configuration file.

Can't think of much more than that at the moment.  If you're interested,
take a look at the sample JSP file, config file, and the design/JavaDocs.

And as always, let me know if you find the package useful or have


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