Can someone tell me how the documentation for the Struts taglibs
( is currently
generated?  I first assumed that this doc was generated from the .tld
files via XSLT or some other method.  However, the tld doesn't contain
all of the necessary information, i.e."description", to generate those
pages.  I'm wanting to incorporate the changes I've made to the Struts
tags into the doc for my company, but don't want to spend a lot of time
writing/maintaining HTML.  I assume I could add my own tags to the .tld
files for "description" and whatever else I needed, then write some XSL
to display it -- but I would like to know how others are approaching
this issue.  Also, I remember hearing at Java One that this type of doc
generation will be better facilitated in JSP 1.2 and after looking at
the JSP 1.2 PFD2, it looks like several tags have been added to the .tld
files, one being "description".  I'd appreciate any suggestions.


Brennan O'Shea

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