I would like to propose two new logic tag handlers that will work similarly
to the equal and notEqual tags, but allow a comma separated list of possible
values to match on. I have already prototyped the tags for our in house use
and am wondering if this is something that people would like to see added.

I have called the tags equalOneOf and notEqualOneOf. It should be simple to
infer how they work, but here's a quick example anyway:

<logic:equalOneOf name="myBean" property="someValue" matchValues="a,b,c">

The content will be evaluated if myBean.getSomeValue() returns a, b, or c.
It should work like the other tags and accept Doubles and Longs. I was
forced to use the attribute name matchValues because of some strange
compiler errors I am getting if I try to use the name values instead.

Is this functionality that others would benefit from?

It's entirely possible that this capability already exists. I didn't see
anything too similar in my quick run-through of the docs and code, but I
didn't look at any of the nightly builds.

Chad Johnston

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