On Fri, 20 Jul 2001, Ted Husted wrote:

> Are we going to keep this, or rely on the Commons DBCP instead?

I think we should probably switch to DBCP when it's released, but that
only changes which code repository the problem needs to be fixed in.

JDK 1.4 includes JDBC 3.0, which added a bunch of stuff to the existing
JDBC interfaces, which (of course) breaks all existing JDBC drivers.  The
best course of action would be to go ahead and implement the new methods
-- or at least no--op them -- to get it to compile and run.


> Cedric Dumoulin wrote:
> > 
> >   Trying to compile Struts with JDK1.4 beta doesn't work for me : the
> > java.sql.Connection interface has change. As a result, class
> > org/apache/struts/util/GenericConnection.java is missing some methods,
> > and can't be compiled ;-(. I don't know if there is others issues with
> > JDK1.4.

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