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It seems the ApplicationResources.properties is missing in your classpath.

Opening the web.xml file and searching for the init parameter 'Application'
for the sevlet 'Action', you will find the value is
org.apache.struts.webapp.example.ApplicationResources. It means struts
looking for the property file ApplicationResources.properties which
contains name "logon.title"  in the classpath or jar file.

Generally speaking, the classpath for a web application is <server
root>/web/WEB-INF/classes and <server root>/web/WEB-INF/lib.

If you stores struts.jar in <server root>/web/WEB-INF/lib and the
strurs.jar contains ApplicationReources.properties, but your web server
cannot found it due to some bugs. e.g Websphere 3.5. You have to extract
the ApplicationResources.properties from jar file and stores in path says
<server root>/web/WEB-INF/classes/org/apache/struts/webapp/example/



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