The initial version of the proposal is focused on the Activity and Step
components (we refined the vocabulary a little based on feedback -- there
is now a distinction between Process and Acivity).  Activity is more for
things that are relatively short term, and involving only a single person
(such as filling out a multi-page wizard), while Process will be more in
the long-term, asynchronous, multi-person space that Colin talks about.  
I confess that I haven't spent large amounts of time thinking about that
part of the problem -- although it's certainly realistic to do so.  
However, at least I reserved a component name for it :-).

Within an Activity, my thinking was that state information would be saved
in between interactions within a Context -- either as anonymous values on
an evaluation stack, or named variables stored in some Scope.  Every
Context has a local Scope that lasts for the lifetime of the execution of
an Activity -- which makes it practical for saving "temporary
variables" between Steps.

Contexts also have the ability to have additional Scopes -- in a web
implementation, you'd certainly assign Scopes that correspond to request,
session, and application scope -- but I view those more as a convenient
way to interact with the rest of the application than for managing the
interaction state.

    ASIDE - when thinking about how a workflow engine
    would work, I was continually struck by how similar
    the concepts are to the way you design a central
    processing unit, where a Context contains the "instruction
    pointer" (what Step to execute next) plus all of the
    registers (contents of the Scopes) that represents
    the current state of an operating system process.

A Context itself, in a Struts-based app, would most likely be stored as a
session attribute, so that it survives past the end of each request, but
stays unique to each individual user.  Yes, we have to deal with a single
user running multiple simultaneous Activities -- but that will be an
implementation detail :-) from the point of view of designing the

So, it seems to me that the Context satisfies the basic requirements for
"workflow objects" that Dan is talking about, but does so using concepts
that are independent of Struts (so that the basic machinery can be used in
non-web-app environments as well).  Does that make sense?

In addition, I *don't* believe that the page designer (or the business
logic designer, for that matter) should be burdened with any undue
requirement to understand (or maybe even know about) the workflow engine.  
In particular, it is the business process designer, not the page
developer, who knows what data has to be persisted -- and that person can
simply write it into the script for the Activity.  I don't see the need
for tags that the designer needs to put on their page to instantiate the
state-saving logic -- that should be something that is done by the

What a page designer *does* need, though, is an easy way to create
navigation controls within the Activity (i.e. "Previous", "Next",
"Finish", and "Cancel" buttons in a wizard).  Those need to be part of the
Struts layer on top of the basic workflow system machinery.


On Wed, 15 Aug 2001, Dan - Blue Lotus Software wrote:

> Yes.  This is exactly the reason I proposed the <struts:page> addition to
> the schema a few days ago.  If you are persisting the state across a
> workflow, you have to have some method of retrieving the state.  My thought
> was to identify each FormBean (the data that creates the state of the
> workflow) by a unique ID, set as an attribute on the <struts:page> tag.  The
> workflow could be similarly identified, allowing the management of multiple
> simultaneous workflows per user.  If the workflow objects were stored at the
> application scope, organised by user, then we would also have a mechanism
> for transferring a workflow from one user to another.
> It seems to me that this addition to the schema would answer a lot of
> people's needs.  Thoughts?  Is something like this usable?  I assume we'd
> probably need to add an additional tag/attribute that specified the
> persistence type, and perhaps the scope at which the workflow state objects
> are held.
> Cheers!
> -dan
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED].
> org]On Behalf Of Colin Sharples
> Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2001 5:16 AM
> Subject: RE: Workflow Support Proposal
> Craig,
> First of all - great job on the workflow proposal! I had begun writing a
> workflow system based on basic Struts Actions with a bit of state
> management thrown in, but what you're suggesting is much closer to what I
> need.
> I have a couple of requirements which I'm sure are not unique to my
> application. The processes I'm modelling take a long time - the overall
> process takes a few weeks to finish, and individual steps may take a few
> minutes, a few hours or even a few days. This has a couple of implications:
> 1) there isn't going to be a user waiting for an interactive response; the
> user triggers the process by sending in some data, and will receive a
> notification when it's finally finished. In between, it's up to "the
> system" to ensure that each step gets executed. 2) Most of the steps will
> therefore be asynchronous (some of them involve getting approval, sometimes
> with delays of days).
> If the steps are asynchronous, this will require some state management, so
> that the workflow engine knows where to start off again. I had been
> thinking along the lines that an asynchronous step would actually consist
> of two steps, one which will send a message to initiate the process, and
> another to assimilate the results of the step (triggered by some event).
> Once the message initiating the step has been sent, the activity will be
> suspended until the end-of-step-event arrives. The workflow engine will
> invoke the activity, starting up at the point it left off (that's where the
> state management comes in). This also implies that instances of activities
> will need unique ids, so that the workflow engine knows which instance to
> invoke. The messaging bit could have several implementations - JMS, email,
> HTTP, etc.
> I realise it's early days - these are just a few points to ponder. I'll see
> if I can adapt my earlier work to what you've come up with.
> Regards
> Colin M Sharples
> I/T Architect
> Business Innovation Services Group
> IBM New Zealand
> phone: 64-4-5769853
> mobile: 64-21-402085
> fax: 64-4-5765616
>                     "Craig R.
>                     McClanahan"          To:
>                     <craigmcc@apac       cc:
>           >              Subject:     RE: Workflow Support
> Proposal
>                     14/08/2001
>                     07:25
>                     Please respond
>                     to struts-dev
> On Mon, 13 Aug 2001, Dan - Blue Lotus Software wrote:
> > I've got a few ideas, and a few comments on the proposal.
> >
> > Reading over your workflow support, it looks not that far from what I had
> > done for per-request workflow support.  You've also got it extended to
> > multiple pages.  Nice.  The suggestion below, of allowing people to share
> > workflows, is an interesting one.  Given this, here's a few of my
> > suggestions.
> >
> > First of all, I'd like to see some consistent address space available
> across
> > an entire workflow.  I'd like to be able to request a form field value
> from
> > a FormBean on the 2nd page of the workflow, even though I'm on the 7th
> page.
> > I'd like to be able to transfer control for a workflow to another user,
> in a
> > secure fashion.  Given this, here's my proposal.
> >
> > In your multi-wizard schema, add a <struts:page id="page1"> (or whatever)
> to
> > indicate a single page within the workflow.  This would, in turn, contain
> > the <struts:forward> and <struts:navigate> tags.  The idea is that this
> > provides a namespace for looking up FormBean values.  From some other
> page
> > in the workflow, you should be able to look up values from the FormBean
> > associated with a given page that is identified by name.
> >
> I guess I'm of a somewhat different opinion on how collaboration like this
> should happen:
> * ActionForm beans (from the perspective of the workflow system) are
>   an implementation detail -- collaboration that requires information
>   from multiple pages should be explicit
> * If you're using request scope for form beans, they will not in fact
>   exist "in between" requests, or while other pages are being processed.
> In the jakarta-commons code that I'm about to commit, you'll see that a
> Context (the dynamic state of a particular computation) has a thing called
> Scopes associated with it.  Every Context has a "local" scope in which it
> can stash beans by name, and the lifetime of these beans is the same as
> the lifetime of the Context (i.e. for as long as you are executing the
> steps in a particular activity, or until you explicitly remove
> them).  This seems like a better way for various pieces of a computation
> to collaborate, IMHO.
> > You should also be able to set up role-based security for a workflow by
> the
> > workflow name and the page name.  I could, for instance, set the third
> page
> > of an application open for my boss' signature.  I would have some GUI
> that
> > would add my boss to the role associated with the third page of the
> > workflow.  In such a case, the state (the collection of FormBeans for the
> > workflow) must be persisted in some manner.  I'm not sure if it would be
> > easier/better to make this declarative--declare in the XML config file
> that
> > the state is persistent--or if the act of assigning a workflow to another
> > user would implicitly cause the state to be persisted.
> >
> That sounds like a reasonable sort of thing to do in the webapp layer on
> top of the core workflow engine.  If we do, I'm a big believer in
> declarative security, so I'd probably lean that way (and also reuse the
> user principals and roles already defined in the servlet API).
> > At that point, the other user would have to be able to go to the named
> page
> > of the workflow.  If the user has been assigned the workflow from more
> than
> > one user, then the user will be allowed to choose which workflow should
> be
> > used.  Thus, runtime workflows are identified by workflow name, page
> name,
> > and user name (the user name that assigned the workflow...probably set to
> > null of the user initiated the workflow).
> >
> > Now, I think we would have a secure way to transfer workflows from one
> user
> > to another.  Your configuration file format only needs to change
> slightly.
> > Workflow data can be interrogated during the workflow.  I think it could
> > work.  It would require lots of JSP tags to facilitate things like
> selecting
> > a workflow when more than one is assigned.
> >
> Right now, I want to focus on getting something for the single-user
> activity scripting up and functional, and then address the cross-user
> stuff.  (Yes, that might mean a partial redesign later, but I think some
> real code to play with will help crystalize our thinking).
> > What do you think?
> >
> > -dan
> >
> Craig
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From:
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED].
> > org]On Behalf Of Craig R. McClanahan
> > Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2001 4:37 PM
> > Subject: RE: Workflow Support Proposal
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Sat, 11 Aug 2001, Michael Rimov wrote:
> >
> > > Craig:
> > >
> > > I read through your proposal.  [Which I liked very much]  Forgive me if
> > I'm
> > > just missing it, but can the workflow support multiple users at any
> given
> > > particular time?  What I mean is this:
> > >
> >
> > In other words, multiple users that participate in the *same* workflow
> > instance?  Yah, I didn't really address that one.  I was focused on the
> > individual user interaction - but the multiple-user case is very
> important
> > as well.
> >
> > > App Flow:
> > >
> > > -User A Performs Step 1
> > > -User A Performs Step 2
> > > -Application Mails User B URL to Step 3  (For example, a content
> approval
> > > message)
> > > -User B Clicks on URL to Step 3
> > > User B Performs Step 3
> > >
> > > etc...
> > >
> > > Now obviously, the mailing mechanism would have to be my own logic, but
> > > would the workflow cover the whole process with different users
> performing
> > > different steps or would you have to have a separate workflow for each
> > user?
> > >
> >
> > In terms of the initial workflow proposal, it could be two individual
> > workflows that are coordinated (and, at the detail level, this seems
> > necessary anyway -- content approval, for example, could be a multi-step
> > process in and of itself).
> >
> > There's also an interesting aspect of this - it is somewhat more
> > asynchronous, because you don't really want person A to be locked out of
> > doing anything else until person B is finished.
> >
> > > If so, do you see any way that something like this could be integrated
> > into
> > > the workflow engine?
> > >
> >
> > I think this is a very useful concept to consider adding.  It might take
> a
> > level of abstraction above the current "Workflow" component to represent
> > it.  There would also need to be a more formalized way to retrieve the
> > current state of a particular flow instance that is in progress (for the
> > web application single user case, you'd just store the Context object in
> > the session).
> >
> > Now to figure out how to integrate it ...
> >
> > > Thanks in advance,
> > >                                                           -Mike
> > >
> > >
> >
> > Craig
> >
> >
> >

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