I plan to have a stable version of Tiles, integrated into Struts, for middle
september. You can consider that actual jsp tags name and attributes are stable.
Implementation will slightly change in september, but not the behavior.
  I also plan a stable version of Tiles running with Struts 1.0 (but not
integrated in Struts1.0)

  Actually, I'm not at my office, and haven't full access to network, just modem
access. I read mails from time to time, and try to respond asap. I will be back
home for end of august.

  For Struts integration, I would like to use Oleg's ServiceManager to
initialize and serve Tiles, rather than extending ActionServlet, as actually
done. But, this later option will certainly remain.

  I haven't hear about any issues on performance degradation.


Sean wrote:

> I am working on writing a rather large real-time web application with Struts
> and was wondering what the timeframe was for either the 1.1 release or a
> stable integration of the Tiles Component Framework into the mainline.  I
> see it in the nightlies but I was wondering if any advanced integration or
> other changes were going to be made to this framework to integrate it more?
> Any idea on the changes? Also ... has anyone noticed any performance
> degredation of the Component Framework on responce time for pages?  Any
> guidance the developers can give to ease the migration of our development
> bed to this 1.1 release with maybe some insight into the timelines for this
> release I would appreciate it.
> Sean

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