On Thu, 23 Aug 2001, Chris Miller wrote:

> Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2001 21:49:22 +0100
> From: Chris Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Help Wanted?
> > One important thing to review when looking at bug reports is whether the
> > bug occurs in the Struts 1.0 final release, or in the current nightly
> > builds.  The source code has (of course) evolved since 1.0, so you need to
> > make sure you're patching against the correct version.
> Speaking of which, are we likely to see Struts 1.0.1 with the bug-fixes for
> 1.0 soonish?
I am sadly remiss on catching up on the 1.0 patches -- can you believe I'm
*still* recovering from JavaOne-induced schedule madness :-(.

It makes sense to me that we do a 1.0.1 release soon, with all the things
that have already been patched and fixes for as many of the outstanding
bug reports as we can do.  We (as Struts committers can work together to
create a plan to create this).


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