--- "Baldree, Matthew" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I was reviewing Struts 1.1 TODO list and have an
> interest in developing the
> XML -> ActionForm Code Generator. I have a generic
> generator framework that
> supports specific generator component plugins. I
> could easily write a plugin
> to generate the ActionForms. However, I noticed
> Martin Cooper is the
> volunteer. How can I get in contact with him to
> inquire if there is still a
> need for this tool, status of work of any that has
> been done, etc.

You may also look in XDoclet
( http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/xdoclet )

There is some Struts/ Web related stuff added lately


Konstantin Priblouda ( ko5tik )    Freelance Software developer
< http://www.pribluda.de > < play java games -> http://www.yook.de >
< render charts online -> http://www.pribluda.de/povray/ >

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