Hello James,

I think it can be useful. But 'last wins' politic must include some
configuration issues to block or signal about repeated name. It can be
flag in ActionServlet config -
  1. to pass repeted names
  2. pass and signal to log or System.err
  3. block repeated names.

Saturday, October 20, 2001, 4:37:29 PM, you wrote:

JH> I tend to agree with you Martin and understand that
JH> 1.0.1 is intended to be a bug fix branch only.  I'll
JH> post a 1.1 patch soon.

JH> As far as the implementation goes, you are correct in
JH> assuming that it is "last one in wins".  This follows
JH> the current implementation of how duplicate elements
JH> are handled.  For instance if I were to declare 2
JH> forwards with the same name the "last one wins".  I
JH> presumed this was accepted behavior based off of the
JH> fact that it already happens this way, but I can
JH> certainly put together a revised patch that logs
JH> duplicates.  What do others think should happen?  I am
JH> personally on the fence and will be happy to submit a
JH> new patch with the desired functionality.

JH> -james
JH> http://www.ejcenter.com/struts/

JH> --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> I don't know how other people feel, but personally,
>> I see this as new 
>> functionality, rather than a bug fix. Hence I'd be
>> happy to see this added 
>> for Struts 1.1, but I'd be reluctant to see it added
>> for the Struts 1.0.1 
>> patch.
>> Incidentally, I assume this implementation is
>> effectively "last one in 
>> wins". That is, if I have form beans (or action
>> mappings, etc.) with the 
>> same name in multiple config files, the last one
>> read is the one that will 
>> actually be used. If that's the case, it might be
>> useful, for debugging 
>> purposes, to log a message when one entry is
>> overwritten by a later one.
>> --
>> Martin Cooper

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Best regards,
 Oleg                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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