
I am working in a (big) banking project where struts is used. We had to
extend struts at several spots in order to meet the requirements. Extending the
framework we recognized that the current version of struts is not designed for
extension! Yet, I think that a framework must be easily extensible because
the developers of a framework can not foresee all possible needs (let alone

We had to copy and patch a lot of source code of struts to implement the
required extensions. While doing this we recognized several spots (in framework
terminology called hot spots) where hook methods would introduce great
possibilities for extensions.

In particular, we had to patch the struts-html taglib, in order to generate
additional html output (e.g. hidden fields, javascript) that should be
transparent to the JSP developer. 

Furthermore we patched the struts servlet in order to allow asynchronous
request processing. Asynchronous request processing means that a user is served
"please wait pages" until the original request is processed.

I would like to contact the developers that are commiters of the struts-html
taglib and of the ActionServlet / Action classes in order to discuss our
ideas of extensibility.


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