Hello Arron,

Ideas... Great.
I think that source code samples can be more useful than abstract
ideas in free style. Every developer in this list has his own work and
doing struts-related activity by his free time.
If you can help in this way to the community, please post code and
config samples to the list.

Wednesday, November 28, 2001, 5:22:45 PM, you wrote:

A> No code, just an idea after Ted provided a link to a thread of mails 
A> that had to do with the original problem of getting at the struts system 
A> objects.

A> But I'm lookin into it.
A> I'll get back to ya, but should be able to get a mock set-up running of 
A> the idea itself...
A> ...then the debate can start as to the syntax of configuring it, and 
A> when, should it be a singleton, ad-infinitum. :)

A> Arron

A> Oleg V Alexeev wrote:

>>Hello Arron,
>>I think that it is intersting and flexible approach. Can you supply
>>samples for it or refactor existing code to support such ideas?
>>Wednesday, November 28, 2001, 6:37:06 AM, you wrote:
>>AB> Not a special class, I'm talking about placing it into the process.
>>AB> Before the servlet updates the properties it checks for a security 
>>AB> mapping. Based on the request and the security, it updates the 
>>AB> properties. It would be more secure, and every property which is up to 
>>AB> be set, can rest assured that it's safe. And that includes the 
>>AB> properties that we "mean to expose" nested or otherwise.
>>AB> All amounting to better security and an easier development path for the 
>>AB> developers.
>>AB> I've had to use a decoupling through nested objects for an app that's in 
>>AB> development. 100's of input fields. Writing proxy classes for it all. 
>>AB> You have to be kidding.
>>AB> Ted, there are some requirements out there where you *must* use nested 
>>AB> objects.
>>AB> When is Struts going to *properly* support this!!??...
>>AB> Arron.
>>AB> Ted Husted wrote:
>>>>Personally, I have the feeling that it's better to encourage people to
>>>>define a proxy object, or wrapper, as was done with the ActionServlet,
>>>>than invent a special class for people to learn.
>>>>I actually believe that this is the approach that should have been used
>>>>in the first place, and in other places in the codebase. The
>>>>ActionServlet was placed there to provide access to certain properties,
>>>>and now the wrapper object defines exactly which properties those are.
>>>>An Encapsulate Class refactoring, if you will. 
>>>>Meanwhile, I'm suggesting that we do the same sort of thing with
>>>>multiple ActionSerlvets in another thread. Instead of exposing the
>>>>ActionServlet, we should expose a JavaBean with only the properites we
>>>>mean to expose.
>>>>I think the important thing is to pound on the point that the ActionForm
>>>>is a firewall; it, and any objects it nests, are in the wild.
>>>>Arron Bates wrote:
>>>>> Yes, yes. Point made.
>>>>>That series of emails makes for some good bedside reading.
>>>>>I think that the solution that was arrived at is fine for protecting the
>>>>>struts system objects themselves.
>>>>>Is there anything happening to allow the developer to protect their own
>>>>>properties from this kind of arbitrary attack?
>>>>>Thought I had would be to configure a property modifier, or property
>>>>>mapping which yields other "security properties" which have to be
>>>>>checked before a property is set. ie: getMyProperty() property method
>>>>>uses a getMyPropertySecurity() to return a defined value which was set
>>>>>while writing the view so you can't just pass the one key value pair to
>>>>>change a value, but a two key value pairs with the second value being a
>>>>>specific hashing or such. This would stop the casual hacking of any
>>>>>property via the URL. You could also then define a security property for
>>>>>all things struts within the ActionForm.
>>>>>The possibility then in extending this would be to define a security
>>>>>property to each property to be set, or a more simpler global security
>>>>>property for the entire request, and let the developer decide as to how
>>>>>fine grained the property setting security should be, if at all.
>>>>>Just a thought.
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Best regards,
 Oleg                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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