
Re: the prerequisites page - I was looking at the instructions in and build.xml. Those things weren't listed in there.
I guess I'd have expected a comment in the .sample file to create a property
like "xalan.home=<whatever>". So, I guess I'm suggesting that prerequisites
be mentioned there as well.

Yes, the <style> task is required. The TLD files are generated from XML
sources, and the <style> task in compile.library is doing that
transformation. If you remove that, you'll get a JAR file, but the Struts
taglibs won't work at all.

I think I picked up on that after looking at the "dist" directory. However,
I have no plans to use that taglibs, so this is OK for me.

For Ant 1.3, I replaced the JAXP 1.0 files in ant/lib with the ones for
JAXP 1.1, since otherwise there is a conflict between Ant using JAXP 1.0
and XalanJ 2.1.0 requiring JAXP 1.1. If Ant 1.4 ships with JAXP 1.1, then
you won't need to do this.

I'd suggest adding that info to the .sample file as well. Either that, or
have the .sample file be free of any comments other than a pointer to the
prerequisites page. I'll try an older version of Ant if I have problems, but
I think I've got what I need for my purposes.

Thanks again,


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