
This deals with the Struts Validator, and is a suggestion for a minor

The application I'm working on needs to be able to distinguish between
'fatal' and 'non-fatal' validations (for lack of a better term).  Fatal
validations mean that the page should not be submitted.  Non-fatal
validations mean that the user should see the errors, and be given the
option to submit anyway.  This comes from a requirement for the user to be
able to save partially completed work so they can come back to it later.
Fatal validations are those that simply must be there in order for a
successful database save to occur (key fields, etc).

My suggestion for handling this is to use all the same validation code, but
change the type of message returned depending on the error level.  This
could be done either by subclassing ActionError and adding flags for the
level of error, or by returning ActionMessages in the non-fatal case.  Our
base action class could then run the validator and take action based on
what came back (a single fatal error would trigger a fatal response).

In the validation.xml, the user could specify things such as 'required'
(the non-fatal version) and 'requiredFatal' to be run against the various
ActionForm fields.  The validation definitions could use the same method,
but pass in some sort of flag that just gets passed along to the
lower-level utils to return the right type of message.

It would be easy to implement this myself but I'd rather stick to a
standard solution, if this idea has any merit for anyone else.



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