I just wanted to add a few comments to the build process that I
went through.  Please take my suggestions with a grain of salt:
I'm usually lurking, and not slugging it out on struts-dev,
commons-dev like the rest of you, so I don't know all the
implications of what I'm suggesting.

In the process of building struts...
> I ended up with:
>   PRODUCT                 VERSION
>   commons-collections.jar 1.0
>   commons-pool.jar        CVS-Main
>   commons-logging.jar     CVS-Main
>   commons-validator.jar   CVS-Main
>   commons-dbcp.jar        CVS-Main
>   commons-digester.jar    CVS-Main
>   commons-beanutils.jar   CVS-Main
>   commons-services.jar    CVS-Main
>   regexp.jar              1.2

1. Struts has dependencies on products that are not released:
   . commons-pool.jar
   . commons-dbcp.jar
   It makes it impossible to check out the same libraries that the
   nightly-builder and other developers have checked-out when they
   build struts.  This, I think can make things more difficult when
   tracking down dependency bugs.
   SUGGESTION: Only use dependent-products (i.e. libraries) that are
   released (with a version number)

2. Struts has dependencies on commons-sandbox products that are not
   . commons-services.jar
   Note that when I build services itself, it does not use any of
   released products (only the latest and greatest from CVS-Main).
   I then have to cascade these dependencies up to the rest of my
   builds (I think).
   SUGGESTION: Don't inlucde an commons-sandbox products.  It just
   seems to me that if it's in sandbox, it has not graduated to
   something that can be included in a released product.  (Now this
   is a general statement and not aimed at Oleg or common-services by
   any means!...from what I understand, Oleg, you do great work.)

3. SUGGESTION: If a prodcut is to be released, it should only include
   libraries that are released (i.e. have a version number, and are
   downloadable).  Can get the same versions of libraries for building
   products.  I guess an alternative to using releases is to specify a
   date on which certain products were built, so that I can go back
   into CVS and checkout the dependent-product from that date.  More
   work...but not impossible.

I can understand some of Jon's frustrations when trying to build
workflow some months ago.  Also, I KNOW that this versioning stuff has
been hashed out on commons-dev before, so I'm not certainly not baiting
that discussion.  Anyway, as I recall, JJAR should take care of the
automating getting the right version of a dependent-library.

Thanks for hearing me out,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Immanuel, Gidado-Yisa [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2002 11:59 AM
> To: 'Struts Developers List'
> Subject: Notes on building Struts from scratch (CVS Main)
> I was trying to build struts from source (nightlies and CVS-MAIN), and
> found it a little less than straight forward.  I did not see any help
> in the archives...So this text documents my trials to 
> succesfully build
> struts from scratch...it's here for the record.  Also, if 
> there is a much
> simpler way to do this, please let me know.  If this text is 
> helpful in
> the installation doc, let me know and I'll write a patch 
> (especially now
> that I can build struts :)
> I started with the following jars:
>   commons-digester.jar    (v. 1.1)
>   commons-beanutils.jar   (v. 1.0)
>   commons-collections.jar (v. 1.0)
> -----------------------------
> 1. Download nightly (our checkout jakarta-struts MAIN)
> 2. Create the file ${user.home}/build.properties
> 3. Set properties in build.properties
>    . commons-collections.jar
>    . commons-beanutils.jar
> 4. We find that out that we need
>    . commons-dbcp.jar
>    . commons-pool.jar
>    See:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/struts-dev@jakarta.apache.org/msg0
> 4437.html
>    But since there was no released version (that I could 
> locate) of dbcp,
>    I checked out the source from CVS and began to build.  Go 
> to Step B-1
> 4. Set properties in build.properties
>    . commons-dbcp.jar (v. CVS-Main)
>    . commons-digester.jar
> 5. We find that out that we need
>    . commons-logging.jar (v. CVS-Main)
>    See:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/struts-dev@jakarta.apache.org/msg0
> 4271.html
>    And there *is* a 1.0 for logging :)
>    Get it from http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/logging.html 
> and install
> 6. Set properties in build.properties
>    . commons-logging.jar
> 7. We find that out that we need
>    . commons-services.jar
>    See:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/struts-dev@jakarta.apache.org/msg0
> 4739.html
>    But since there was no released version (that I could locate) of
> services,
>    I checked out the source from CVS and began to build.  Go 
> to Step D-1
> 8. Set properties in build.properties
>    . commons-services.jar (v. CVS-Main)
> 9. We find that out that we need
>    . comomons-validator.jar
>    Go to Step F-1
> 10. Set properties in build.properties:
>    . commons-validator.jar (v. CVS-Main)
>    . servlet.jar
> 11. We find that out that we need DynaBean support found in the latest
>    . comomons-beanutils.jar
>    Go to Step F-1
> 12. Set properties in build.properties:
>    . commons-beanutils.jar (v. CVS-Main)
> 13. Need to specify how to locate xalan.jar for ANT build.  See:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/struts-dev@jakarta.apache.org/msg0
> 4210.html
>     You've got to get a copy of Xalan and put it in ${ANT.HOME}/lib
> 14. Builds...great!  Done.
> B. BUILD DBCP (MAIN branch)
> ---------------------------
> 1. Checkout jakarta-commons
> 2. Go into dbcp, and 'ant dist'
> 3. Dependency on 'commons-pool'.  (Did not see a release of 
> this, so have
>    to build myself).  Got to Step C-1
> 4. Set properties in build.properties
>    . commons-pool.jar
>    . jdbc20ext.jar
> 5. Builds...great!  Continue with Step A-5
> C. BUILD POOL (MAIN branch)
> ---------------------------
> 1. Go into jakarta-commons/pool, run 'ant dist'
> 2. Builds...great!  Continue with Step B-4
> ---------------------------
> 1. Checkout jakarta-commons-sandbox
> 2. Go into jakarta-commons-sandbox/services, run 'ant dist'
> 3. Uhhhh.oooh, it requires some digester code...what version could it
>    possibly want?  Let's check the build file to see if there are any
>    indications.  Hmmm, no info here...(tried 1.1.1, but no success).
>    Well, we probably cannot go wrong with CVS-Main branch.  
> Go to Step E-1.
> 3. Reset properties in build.properties
>    . commons-digester.jar (v. CVS-Main)
> 4. Builds...great!  Continue with Step A-8
> -------------------------------
> 1. Go into jakarta-commons/digester, run 'ant dist'
> 2. Uhhhh.oooh, it requires some beanutils code...what version could it
>    possibly want?  Let's check the build file to see if there are any
>    indications.  Hmmm, no info here...(tried 1.2 and it works)
> 3. Reset properties in build.properties
>    . commons-beanutils.jar (v. 1.2)
> 4. Builds...great!  Continue with Step D-3
> -------------------------------
> 1. Go into jakarta-commons/validator, run 'ant dist'
> 2. We find that out that we need
>    . regexp.jar (v. 1.2)
>    See: http://jakarta.apache.org/regexp/index.html
> 3. Set properties in build.properties
>    . regexp.jar (v. 1.2)
> 4. Builds...great!  Continue with Step A-10
> -------------------------------
> 1. Go into jakarta-commons/beanutils, run 'ant dist'
> 4. Builds...great!  Continue with Step A-12
> We started with the following requirements as specified in the doc:
> http://jakarta.apache.org/struts/userGuide/installation.html
>   PRODUCT                 VERSION
>   commons-digester.jar    1.1
>   commons-beanutils.jar   1.0
>   commons-collections.jar 1.0
> I ended up with:
>   PRODUCT                 VERSION
>   commons-collections.jar 1.0
>   commons-pool.jar        CVS-Main
>   commons-logging.jar     CVS-Main
>   commons-validator.jar   CVS-Main
>   commons-dbcp.jar        CVS-Main
>   commons-digester.jar    CVS-Main
>   commons-beanutils.jar   CVS-Main
>   commons-services.jar    CVS-Main
>   regexp.jar              1.2

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