That all seems cool, and if the test works, all the better :)

To confirm what's happening there...
It's fetching the "nameList.value" property off the same bean as the
text fields. To read the markup, the messages and errors would then be
calling on the same property. Internally the name is being set to the
same as the rest of the tags, is this simply being ignored to go fetch
the messages on a standard name?...


On Fri, 2002-06-21 at 05:45, David Winterfeldt wrote:
> I'm not 100% I'm sure I'm following what the problem
> is (probably missed some other e-mails).  I was going
> to talk to you Aaron when I went to do these, but it
> seemed very simple so I went ahead and made them.  I
> just wanted the nested messages and errors tags to be
> able to get the property name of the bean so you could
> display messages and errors next to a field from a
> list.  These tags don't really need any other feature
> the nested tags provid.  Currently the validator can
> handle lists, but not custom messages for each field. 
> It does correctly create the full property as the
> error key though so you can display the error next to
> the field.  Here is the example from
> web/validator/type.jsp where I tested this.
>   <nested:iterate property="nameList">
>      <tr>
>        <th align="left">
>          &nbsp;
>        </th>
>        <td align="left">
>          <nested:messagesPresent property="value">
>             <br>
>             <ul>
>                <nested:messages id="error"
> property="value">
>                   <li><bean:write name="error"/></li>
>                </nested:messages>
>             </ul>
>          </nested:messagesPresent>
>          <nested:text property="value" size="15"
> maxlength="15"/>
>        </td>
>      </tr>
>   </nested:iterate>
> Let me know what you think.
> David

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