Hello Struts developers,

We are now developing an internet banking
application with Stuts of course.
Of course, we are highly concerned
in possible security holes in the framework
(or in the application using the framework).
I believe, there is one, that, when properly
used, can cause some troubles for developers!

Here it is:

Imagine a scenario, where user submits a form,
the Struts automatically populate the
form bean and then
the validation of the parameters takes place.
After that, if OK, the perform method is called.
Here, I already know, that the
params were ok, so I write the
transaction to database. The problem here
is the perform method. When precisely at the
moment of perform method call user decides
to submit the form once again (with
different values of course), the form bean
is again populated, and possibly wrong
(not validated) data might be writen to database
(by the first thread, that is not aware
of the second submit).
I am afraid, there is not a possibility to
synchronize acccess to the form,
since the population of form bean is automatic.

I know, that the solution to the problem here is
in the perform method
to make copy of the parameters and then validate
them again. Or, I can
make validation only in the perform method,
but first I have to remove the
form bean from session, then validate
and then write to database, and then possibly
return that form bean to the session.

Sorry for so long description,
but I tried to make myself as clear as possible.

My preferred solution to the problem would be:
In the struts-config.xml put an attribute
to action, describing, that handling
such an action requires session synchronization.
Thus everything, starting from form population
and ending with "return mapping.findForward(...)"
would be synchronized on a session object.
(I do this synchronization on a session
anyway - in each perform method).

So, what do You think?

Thanx to all contributors
for such a great framework,
and enjoy the summer.

Marcel Kruzel
Czech Republic

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