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--- Andres Angelani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Supose you have a Tiles component definition
> composed (a) by two JSP pages.
> There's a struts form in a page that maps to an
> action defined in struts.xml
> file. This action defines several forwards that map
> to other Tiles component
> definitions. 
> Now supose that you want reuse the same form in
> another tiles component
> definition (b), but since this form is actually in a
> different definition,
> when posted, using the same action, the forwards
> can't be the same than in
> the first case. Let's say it must forward to the
> definition where it was
> created this time (b).
> I'm sure there must be some workaround to this
> problem. Any ideas?
> Regards,
> Andres
> > Andrés Angelani
> > Software Architect
> > 
> > Sistemas Estratégicos
> > San Martín 575, piso 4
> > tel. 4322-4040 int.135
> > fax. 4393-8270
> > e-mail. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > web.
> > web.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
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