At 03:57 PM 7/15/2002, David Winterfeldt wrote:
>The Validator was designed to work this way so there
>could different groupings of validation rules.
>Because some times it may not make sense to continue
>with certain validations until the form is in a
>certain state.  The depends attribute in the pluggable
>validator definitions is what controls these
>groupings.  So to have validation performed on
>everything at the same time, the depends attribute can
>be either zero length or removed.

But if I remove the remove depends from the validation.xml and
set up my date of birth rule to say:

      <arg0 key="subscriberForm.dateOfBirth.label"/>
      <arg1 name="minlength" key="${var:minlength}" resource="false"/>

If I put in a blank entry for it (all other fields filled out), I get:
Date of Birth is not a date.
Date of Birth is required.

(I would expect only the "required" message, since it comes first in the list.

If I fill it out with 08/0A, I get:
Date of Birth is not a date.
Date of Birth can not be less than 10 characters.

(I would expect only the "is not a date" message)

If I fill it out with 08/02/62, I get
Date of Birth can not be less than 10 characters.

Which is what I expect.

I'm going to put it bluntly.  For every "reasonable" expectation I could 
make about how
validations should work with depends, it does something different and 
with the way people code validations on forms in commercial environments 
with end users.


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