Thanks for your apology.  Please accept mine as well.  No harm; no foul.

Peace ;-)


Ditlinger, Steve wrote:

>Please be assured that I was not trying to "talk down" your code.  (I don't
>time for that kind of thing.) I've been at this long enough to know that
>mistakes are always possible.  (Only our bosses are perfect ;-) I was just
>questioning a point where (now obviously) I misread what you were doing.  I
>really thought there might have been a convention where people were using
>"module/" as their module names.
>My concern in this issue is mainly to steer the fix to this bug in a
>direction that does not prevent the use of "multi-level" modules (which we
>had been using successfully prior to the release of 1.1b2).  On this point,
>I will continue to advocate.
>Sorry for my error,

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