I've been adding more "exercises" to the Struts-EL exercise-taglib app, and I'm
finding some behavior I don't quite understand.

In the same JSP page, I have two "logic-el:iterate" loops, both of which
iterate through the same collection, the page attributes map ("${pageScope}").
One loop has an "html-el:button" in each iteration, and the other has a
"html-el:checkbox".  Both of them set the "indexed" property to true ("${!empty
pageScope}" is always true).  After seeing the generated HTML, I'm certain that
I'm unsure what I should expect for the "name" attribute in the generated HTML.

This is the "button" loop:

  <logic-el:iterate collection="${pageScope}" id="item">
   <html-el:button property="stringProperty" indexed="${!empty pageScope}"/>

And this is what it generates for the first iteration:

  <input type="button" name="stringProperty[0]" value="Click">

This is the "checkbox" loop:

  <logic-el:iterate collection="${pageScope}" id="item">
   <html-el:checkbox property="stringProperty" indexed="${!empty pageScope}"/>

And this is what the first iteration generates:

  <input type="checkbox" name="org.apache.struts.taglib.html.BEAN[0].stringProperty"

I have a small feeling that the placement of the "[0]" is expected, but I'm
pretty sure the odd bean name is unexpected.

Could someone help me understand what I should expect here, and what might be
going wrong if this is incorrect?  If I know what I SHOULDN'T be seeing, I
could try to track it down a little more.

David M. Karr          ; Java/J2EE/XML/Unix/C++

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