I implemented something that I think is relatively slick today, so I 
thought I'd share the idea.

First, a change was requested to suffix all our field labels with 
colons.  We already had this structure:

<th><bean:message key="SomeForm.someField"/></th>
<td><html:text property="someField"/></td>

I created a LabelTag taglib that (currently, but not necessary) 
subclasses MessageTag.

It, of course, satisfies the request to suffix with a colon such that 
our message resources (now in the database) are not changed, and the JSP 
does not have colons.  But, I figured why stop there, so I dug through 
ValidatorResources and added in an asterisk if the field is required, 
and then dug through ActionErrors and turned the field red (using CSS 
classes and a <span>) if the field was in error.

This is a feature I've been thinking of for a while, and I'm sure others 
have implemented similar features, but its such a big enhancement that I 
felt like sharing it!

I'm not sure if this is worthy of making more generic and contributing 
though.  Thoughts?  Its dependent on your forms subclassing 
ValidatorForm and validation.xml be used appropriately, and it also 
relies on field labels adhering to the <form name>.<field name> syntax 
and be stored in the message resources.


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