husted      2002/11/06 14:48:13

  Added:       doc/news status.xml project.xml news_2002_q3.xml
                        news_2002_q2.xml news_2002_q1.xml news_2001.xml
  I still need to finish updating the sep/nov news, but wanted to get the rest of this 
up before dinner.
  Subdivide home page; create subdirectory for news.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  jakarta-struts/doc/news/status.xml
  Index: status.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
      <author email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Ted Husted</author>
      <title>New and Status - Apache Struts</title>
  <section name="Status" href="status">
  The <b>stable production release</b> is <a 
href="";>Struts 1.02</a> 
(11 February 2002).
  <a href="";>Struts 
1.1b</a> is in its second <b>beta release</b> (12 August 2002).
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
    See <a href="";>the Apache Bug Database</a> 
for outstanding issues and enhancement requests.
    See <a href="";>the Struts 
Nightly Build</a> for the latest development distribution.
    See <a href="";>the Jakarta Struts-Dev 
list</a> for current development communications.
    See <a href="";>the Jakarta Struts 
CVS</a> for the current development codebase.
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  Struts is a completely open product. The
  <a href="";>Struts Committers</a> 
conduct all development
  business using the resources cited here, which are all available to the public. Only
  Struts Committers may write to the
  <a href="";>CVS</a>. Developer 
contributions may be posted
  to <a href="";>The Apache Bug Database</a>.
  Future development plans are covered on the <a href="../status.html">Development 
  1.1                  jakarta-struts/doc/news/project.xml
  Index: project.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  <project name="Apache Struts Web Application Framework"
      <title>Apache Struts Web Application Framework</title>
      <menu name="News and Status">
          <item href="index.html#status" name="Status"/>
          <item href="index.html#news" name="Recent News"/>
          <item href="news_2002_q3.html" name="2002 3rd Quarter News"/>
          <item href="news_2002_q2.html" name="2002 2nd Quarter News"/>
          <item href="news_2002_q2.html" name="2002 1st Quarter News"/>
          <item href="news_2001.html" name="2001 News"/>
      <menu name="Struts">
          <item name="Welcome"                 href="../index.html"/>
          <item name="Learning"                href="../learning.html"/>
          <item name="Acquiring"               href="../acquiring.html"/>
          <item name="Using"                   href="../using.html"/>
          <item name="Who We Are"              href="../volunteers.html"/>
  1.1                  jakarta-struts/doc/news/news_2002_q3.xml
  Index: news_2002_q3.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
      <author email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Craig McClanahan</author>
      <author email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Martin Cooper</author>
      <author email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Ted Husted</author>
      <author email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Joe Germuska</author>
      <author email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">James Holmes</author>
      <title>New and Status - Jakarta Struts</title>
  <section name="News" href="news">
  <h3><a name=""></a></h3>
  <p><a href=""></a></p>
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020830"></a>30 Aug 2002 - Struts book moves ahead</h3>
  <p>The publication date for Developing Web Applications with Struts by Ted Husted, 
Cedric Dumoulin,
  George Franciscus, and David Winterfeldt (Foreword by Craig R. McClanahan) has been 
advanced to October 2002.
  Details about the book are available at Ted Husted's Struts site
  <a href="";></a>
  Several other Struts books are slated for release. Links are available on the Struts 
Resource page
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020831.4"></a>30 Aug 2002 - MockObjects 0.4 released</h3>
  <p>Unit testing is a hot topic among Struts developers. <a 
href="ttp://">StrutsTestCase</a> provides a slick mock 
object for testing Struts Actions with JUnit (or Cactus). The MockObjects projects 
provides a base API for creating tests for the rest of the objects in your Java 
application. </p>
  <p><a href=""></a></p>
  Developers working with the MockObjects project include Struts committers Vincent 
Massol and Ted Husted.
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020830.2"></a>30 Aug 2002 - Artimus 1.0 beta 2 available</h3>
  <p>Artimus is a sample Struts application for posting news articles that uses JDBC, 
Lucene, and the Scaffold toolkit.</p>
  <p>Artimus may be downloaded from the Struts Example Application site on SourceForge 
  <p>Other developers with example applications that they would like to donate to the 
community are invited to join the Struts Sourceforge site.</p>
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020830.1"></a>30 Aug 2002 - Struts Console v2.1.1</h3>
  <p>Struts Console version 2.1.1 is now available.
  <a href="";></a>
  Struts Console version 2.1 is now available.
  <a href="";></a>
  Download Now:<br/>
    -- OR --<br/>
  Struts Console is FREE software.
  This release is a bug fix release and does not
  introduce any new functionality.
  Changes with Struts Console v2.1.1
    *) Fixed bug where "role" attributes weren't being
       loaded on the Definition panel.
    *) Fixed bug where "initial" attribute of the
       &lt;form-property> element couldn't be changed once
       it had been set.
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020830.3"></a>28 Aug 2002 - Easy Struts 0.5.2 for Eclipse</h3>
  Easy Struts 0.5.2 available (Only Eclipse plugin), I make a little demo for you, 
this demo require
  Flash 5 and show you some fonctionnality from Easy Struts Editor in Eclipse. Enjoy ;)
  Demo : (4Mo, be patient)
  - [NEW] Add error and warning controls on struts-config.xml editor<br/>
  - [NEW] Possibility to generate classes from struts-config.xml
          With this feature, you can "generate" an Struts application
          skeleton with only a struts-config.xml file.<br/>
  - [NEW] Add view of java classes in Struts config tree.<br/>
  - [FIX] Some bug fix, more info on
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020826"></a>26 Aug 2002 - Struts Workflow Extension Package 
  <p>The Bugfix-Version 0.9.1 of the Struts Workflow Extension Package is now 
  <p>It fixes a bug in the test application's web.xml file, some users have stumbled 
  <p>Also the web site <a 
href="";></a> has 
been updated to describe how to use the extension together with Struts 1.1.</p>
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020822"></a>22 Aug 2002 - Easy Struts Editor 0.5.1 for Eclipse</h3>
  Re-Hello, I fix some bugs from Easy Struts 0.5. Here the changes:<br/>
    - [FIX] When element removed from Editor UI, elements wasn't removed in xml 
    - [FIX] Synchronisation with Easy Struts wizards when editor is open.<br/>
    - [FIX] When editor is re-open (after closed), struts-config.xml was in read only 
    - [FIX] Some editor bugs... I include some screenshots:<a 
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020820"></a>20 Aug 2002 - Struts Console v2.1</h3>
  Struts Console version 2.1 is now available.
  <a href="";></a>
  Download Now:<br/>
    -- OR --<br/>
  Struts Console is FREE software.
  This release adds support for the IntelliJ IDEA IDE,
  one of the favorites of many developers.
  Changes with Struts Console v2.1
  Fixed bug where the "initial" attribute of the
  &lt;form-property> element was getting set to blank
  when it wasn't specified.
  Added plugin support for IntelliJ IDEA.
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020813"></a>12 Aug 2002 - Struts 1.1 Beta 2 Released</h3>
  <p>The Struts team is proud to announce the release of Struts 1.1 Beta 2. This
  release includes significant new functionality, while retaining full
  backwards compatibility with earlier versions of Struts. It also
  incorporates fixes for a number of bugs which were reported against earlier
  The binary distribution is available at:
  and the source distribution is available at:
  In addition, the library distibution, which contains updated binaries
  without the sample applications, is available at:
  Details of the changes in this release are available in the Release Notes,
  which can be found here:
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020808"></a>08 Aug 2002 - JPetStore in Scioworks Camino</h3>
  We have recently modified and repackaged the JPetStore application as a
  sample application for Camino. It illustrates how Camino's Storyboard can
  help Struts developers to visualize the flow of their web-applications.
  Visit the following link for details:
  About JPetStore: JPetStore from iBatis is a completely rewritten Pet Store
  application based on Sun's original J2EE Pet Store. JPetStore uses Struts
  as the MVC presentation layer.
  About Scioworks Camino: Scioworks Camino is a visual modelling tool for
  Struts that provides a visual drag-and-connect GUI for rapid development
  and re-wiring of web applications, automatically generates code based on
  the visual flow of an app, and also features round-trip engineering.
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020804"></a>O'Reilly Struts book available for ordering</h3>
  <p>The O'Reilly Struts book by Chuck Cavaness, "Programming Jakarta Struts" is
  now available for pre-ordering from Amazon.
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020803"></a>3 Aug 2002 - Starting Struts User Group in New Jersey</h3>
  <p>Is anyone interested in joining?  Looks like we have a group of 3-5 people
  already interested. We are thinking about having meetings in the New
  Brunswick area. I have made arrangements for website hosting for the group
  and have a committment from Vic Cekvenich at BaseBeans to be a guest
  <p>I'm not duplicating an already existing group am I?</p>
  <p>Anyone intersted in participating please contact me at
  <a href="mailto:john@;">john at</a>
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020728"></a>28 Jul 2002 - New Howto available on basicportal</h3>
  <p>The install instructions for <a 
href="";>basicportal</a> now include a
  detailed howto for postgresql and poolman usage with basicportal.  Vic has
  reorganized the source and we are working towards developing a howto for
  basicportal and eclipse.</p>
  <p>I'm looking forward to basicportal growing!  We are already talking about
  the addition of the shopping cart module.  Next few months will be
  interesting.</p><hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020730"></a>30 July 2002 - Struts Console version 2.0.1</h3>
  Struts Console version 2.0.1 is now available.
  <p>Download Now:</p>
  <p>-- OR --</p>
  Struts Console is FREE software.
  This release is a bug fix release and does not introduce any new functionality.
  Changes with Struts Console v2.0.1
  <li>Fixed bug where Tiles editor wasn't properly upgrading config files that had 
deprecated &lt;put&gt; settings.</li>
  <li>Fixed bug where Page Converter was accidentally converting &lt;address&gt; tags 
when it shouldn't have been.</li>
  <li>Fixed bug where Page Converter was not properly converting all &lt;input&gt; 
  <li>Fixed bug where NetBeans module was not remembering where the Struts Console 
window was docked.</li>
  <li>Fixed bug where JBuilder plugin wasn't properly generating XML output when 
certain elements were modified.</li>
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020725"></a>25 July 2002 - Easy Struts v0.4.2 for Eclipse / 
  Changes 0.4.2
  <li>Plugin config and message resources deleted in previous version is now 
  <li>Create a new line between attributes if count &gt; 2 in struts-config.xml</li>
  <li>Add error header/footer in application resources</li>
  <li>fix html in default template (form.est)</li>
  Changes 0.4.1
  <li>Fix dialog box which appear everytime (about update classpath in Eclipse 
  <li>SWTError throwed on Eclipse Linux GTK Platform fix.</li>
  <li>JBuilder Error while copying libs/tlds fixed.</li>
  <li>Improve Easy Form and Input wizard.</li>
  <li>In Eclipse plugin, jdom.jar located in lib\directory.</li>
  Project page :
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020724"></a>24 July 2002 - ObjectAssembler 2.0</h3>
  ObjectVenture is pleased to announce the release of ObjectAssembler
  2.0, a visual two-way development environment for J2EE applications -
  including native support for Struts 1.1. Thanks to all of you who
  participated in our open beta!
  The standard edition, which covers web (JSP/Servlets) and Struts
  development, is FREE! You may download it here:
  The new user manual is available here (4.5 MB). It includes information
  on how to get started with the Struts support.
  We also have a new support forum here:
  <a href="";></a>
  <p>NEW FEATURES IN v2.0:</p>
  Standard Edition:
  <li>Complete Struts 1.1 support, including multiple configuration files.</li>
  <li>Import existing Struts configuration files and components.</li>
  <li>In addition to JBuilder, ObjectAssembler now integrates with Netbeans and Sun 
ONE Studio.</li>
  <li>New standalone version that is built on Netbeans.</li>
  <li>Complete Servlet 2.3 and JSP 1.2 support for visually building components and 
  <li>New component types: Struts PlugIn, Struts DynaActionForm, Servlet Filter, and 
Servlet Lifecycle Event.</li>
  <li>Drop any TLD in a certain place (see user manual), and ObjectAssembler will 
automate and validate the use of its tags in the visual JSP editor.</li>
  <li>Create relationships between components.</li>
  <li>New User Manual</li>
  <li>And more...</li>
  Professional Edition:
  <li>All Standard Edition features, plus</li>
  <li>Complete EJB 2.0 support for visually building components and EJB JARs.</li>
  <li>Complete J2EE 1.3 support for visually building EARs</li>
  <li>New component type: Message-driven Bean.</li>
  <li>Integrated deployment to Weblogic 7.x and HPAS 8.x. More to come!</li>
  <li>And more...</li>
  Enterprise Edition:
  <li>All Professional Edition features, plus</li>
  <li>New visual pattern development environment based on XML that supports the open 
Pattern and Component Markup Language (PCML) effort.</li>
  <li>Integrated Sun Java Center pattern catalog.</li>
  <li>Import and export pattern catalog archives (CARs).</li>
  <li>Real-time HTML documentation of catalogs, patterns, and strategies as you work 
via XSLT (ships with default templates that you can change).</li>
  <li>Apply pattern strategies to components.</li>
  <li>Automated code generation from patterns.</li>
  <li>See how your applied pattern strategies are mapped to your components.</li>
  <li>Real-time validation of patterns and applied pattern strategies.</li>
  <li>And more...</li>
  Other features of interest:
  <li>Visual JSP development</li>
  <li>Automated component and assembly (EAR, EJB-JAR, JAR, and WAR) generation with 
automated handling of accessory files.</li>
  <li>Work with your components visually or via the source code editor after 
generation and the two stay in synch. No black boxes here...</li>
  <li>Automated placement of all generated components in the appropriate assemblies 
(including the default struts configuration).</li>
  <li>Import components, including EJBs from a database schema.</li>
  <li>Real-time validation of all components and assemblies as you work, including 
automated corrective actions where appropriate.</li>
  <li>And much more...</li>
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020724"></a>24 July 2002 - JavaPro Struts Tutorial</h3>
  <p><a href="";><b>Create Better 
Web Apps with Struts</b></a> by Kevin Jones.</p>
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name=""></a>23 Jul 2002 - STL (Standard Tags) + Struts (MVC) live web 
  <p>If you are starting a Java Web, you should use MVC and Standard tags,
  this "kit" is a sample of "best" (at least good) practices.
  It is MVC (Struts/Tiles)+JSTL +XSLT+ DAO (Open Source Data Access Object
  w/ SQL) + DB CRUD (Create update delete and SQL DLL scripts)+ J2EE
  Security ( to make Tomcat run like Apache )
  It is KISS (you'll see how simple and how very standard) , good
  practices Free Open Source Framework to develop any web app, with the
  aim of being 80% of any app, but done as simple as possible and easy to
  teach. Again, everything is standard and simple. And it is the fastest,
  most efficient way to develop maintainable code I know of.
  Samples include CMS (Authorize content, XSLT, CMS Comments, sinkable,
  single sign on, etc.),  Issue tracking, + more coming.
  Please download and install and see if you want to attend. Details:
  <a href="";></a>
  I use it to teach Struts + JSTL public and private classes. I epically
  teach WHY you should want to do something in a certain way, not just how.
  To attend and see "best practices"
  The seminar requires you know servlets, jsp,  SQL, JDBC, and at least
  some MVC. (a plus is if you have already deployed and MVC web app in the
  past) is $10.00 ( but free to baseBeans clients and/or
  To keep in touch on this join "MVC-Programmers" mail list at
  To keep in touch with open source projects go to
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020723"></a>23 Jul 2002 - STL (Standard Tags) + Struts (MVC) live web 
  <p>If you are starting a Java Web, you should use MVC and Standard tags,
  this "kit" is a sample of "best" (at least good) practices.
  It is MVC (Struts/Tiles)+JSTL +XSLT+ DAO (Open Source Data Access Object
  w/ SQL) + DB CRUD (Create update delete and SQL DLL scripts)+ J2EE
  Security ( to make Tomcat run like Apache )
  It is KISS (you'll see how simple and how very standard) , good
  practices Free Open Source Framework to develop any web app, with the
  aim of being 80% of any app, but done as simple as possible and easy to
  teach. Again, everything is standard and simple. And it is the fastest,
  most efficient way to develop maintainable code I know of.
  Samples include CMS (Authorize content, XSLT, CMS Comments, sinkable,
  single sign on, etc.),  Issue tracking, + more coming.
  Please download and install and see if you want to attend. Details:
  I use it to teach Struts + JSTL public and private classes. I epically
  teach WHY you should want to do something in a certain way, not just how.
  To attend and see "best practices"
  The seminar requires you know servlets, jsp,  SQL, JDBC, and at least
  some MVC. (a plus is if you have already deployed and MVC web app in the
  past) is $10.00 ( but free to baseBeans clients and/or
  To keep in touch on this join "MVC-Programmers" mail list at
  To keep in touch with open source projects go to
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020718"></a>18 July 2002 - JavaBoutique Struts Tutorials</h3>
  <p><a href="";><b>Stepping through 
Jakarta Struts</b></a> by Keld H. Hansen.</p>
  <p><a href="";><b>Coding your 
second Jakarta Struts Application</b></a> by Keld H. Hansen.</p>
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020717"></a>17 July 2002 - StrutsTestCase v1.8 Released</h3>
  StrutsTestCase v1.8 improves support for Struts 1.1,
  provides several requested enhancements, and fixes many
  reported defects.
  The project home page can be found here:
  Notes for this release can be found here:
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020711"></a>11 July 2002 - Scioworks Camino v2.0</h3>
  Scioworks Camino is a visual tool for Struts application development.
  What's new in v2.0:
  <li>Supports Struts 1.1 features - Manages multiple modules on multiple Storyboards, 
declarative exception handling, dynamic FormBeans, etc.</li>
  <li>Enhanced Zoomable Storyboards - Manages each module on its own Storyboard with 
cross module connectivities. Supports zooming, snap-to-grid, auto-alignment and 
multiple segements paths.</li>
  <li>Built-in JSP source editor with syntax-highlighting - Automatic two-way 
synchronization between the editors and the Storyboards.</li>
  <li>Auto file synchronization - Detects external modifications of the JSPs.</li>
  <li>Inspector and Cross Referencing Tool - Allows quick viewing and modifying 
attributes of the elements and provide powerful cross-referencing facility.</li>
  <li>Enhanced Code Generator Wizard - Supports different generated code styles of 
FormBean and Action classes to suit your need.</li>
  <li>Enhanced JSP Parser - Revised and more forgiving on non-standard HTML 
  <li>Revised User Inteface</li>
  <li>Expanded XML Character Encoding Support - Allows customized setting.</li>
  <li>Supports both JVM 1.4 and JVM 1.3.</li>
  Download: <a href="";></a>
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020711"></a>11 July 2002 - Easy Struts v0.4 for Eclipse / 
  <li>Provide a full support for JBuilder IDE.</li>
  <li>Provide a full support for Eclipse IDE.</li>
  <li>Support now for JBuilder IDE (without Resources Wizard).</li>
  <li>Add runtime facility for JBuilder, no need removeStrutsJar opentool</li>
  <li>Add confirm dialog before changing project classpath</li>
  <li>Fix driver class validation in datasource wizard</li>
  <li>Fix many bug and add improvements</li>
  <li>New icons</li>
  Project page :
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020710"></a>10 July 2002 - Using Struts in Oracle JDeveloper 9i 
  <a href="";>
  <b>How Do I use Jakarta Struts with Oracle9i JDeveloper?</b></a> by Oracle 
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020709"></a>9 July 2002 - Struts Console version 2.0</h3>
  Struts Console version 2.0 is now available.
  <p>Download Now:</p>
  <p>-- OR --</p>
  Struts Console is FREE software.
  This release is adds new features and fixes many bugs,
  but most notably adds support for Tiles configuration
  files. This release also adds support for all of the
  latest 1.1 config changes.
  Changes with Struts Console v2.0
  <li>Fixed bug where Edit button was not properly being disabled for Properties and 
Form Properties which would allow Edit to be selected when no row was highlighted and 
thus causing exceptions to be thrown.</li>
  <li>Fixed bug where Properties and Form Properties tables weren't being updated 
after a row had been edited.</li>
  <li>Fixed bug where Forwards and Exceptions were not properly being removed from 
  <li>Fixed bug where changing an Action from using a Form Bean to "&lt;none&gt;" 
would wrongfully set the Action's "name" attribute to "&lt;none&gt;".</li>
  <li>Fixed bug in standalone app where after performing "Save As" on a file, the GUI 
wouldn't indicate whether or not a file had changes or not.</li>
  <li>Fixed bug in Page Converter where an exception was thrown when trying to write 
files to a different directory.</li>
  <li>Added support for Tiles configuration files.</li>
  <li>Added support for "roles" attribute to Action screen for 1.1 config files.</li>
  <li>Added support for "forwardPattern", "pagePattern" and "inputForward" attributes 
to Controller screen for 1.1 config files.</li>
  <li>Added support for "bundle" attribute to Exception screen for 1.1 config 
  <li>Added ability to move elements up and down in relation to their parent.</li>
  <li>Added ability to specifiy the number of lines between elements in the Ouput 
  <li>Added "Key" column to Exceptions tables and make "Key" a required field per the 
latest DTD for 1.1 config files.</li>
  <li>Updated Data Sources screen to be more consistent with the other screens.</li>
  <li>Extensive refactorings to improve performance and reduce code size.</li>
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020709"></a>09 July 2002 - Struts Adoption article</h3>
  <b>Issues In Struts Adoption</b></a> by Harry Rusli and John Yu.
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020708"></a>08 July 2002 - Struts article in e-Promagazine</h3>
  The site is featuring a new article entitled
  <b>Struts: A Standard Architecture for Web Applications</b></a>" by Don Denoncourt.
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020708"></a>08 July 2002 - JAAS article highlighting Authorization 
and Authentication with Struts</h3>
  <a href="";>
  <b>Using JAAS for Authorization and Authentication</b></a> by Dan Moore.
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <p align="center">
  <a href="news_2002_q2.html">
  <b>MORE NEWS</b></a>
  1.1                  jakarta-struts/doc/news/news_2002_q2.xml
  Index: news_2002_q2.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
      <author email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Craig McClanahan</author>
      <author email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Martin Cooper</author>
      <author email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Ted Husted</author>
      <author email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Joe Germuska</author>
      <title>New and Status - Jakarta Struts</title>
  <section name="News" href="news">
  <h3><a name="20020629"></a>29 June 2002 - Struts Newsletter</h3>
  <b>Path-based action mapping in 1.1</b><br/>
  One of the architectural advances from Struts 1.0 to Struts 1.1 involved 
  supporting multiple applications with a single Struts controller 
  servlet.  As part of the initial implementation of this functionality, 
  some configuration flexibility was lost: the multi-application 
  controller only supports mapping URLs to Struts "actions" by extension 
  (i.e. "*.do") while Struts 1.0 also supported mapping by path prefix 
  (i.e. "/do/*").  After James Young asked if any fixes were in the works 
  [1], Craig McClanahan pointed out some of the complexities involved 
  [2].  Ted Husted described a possible solution and asked for feedback 
  about whether to pursue it. [3]</p>
  [1] <a 
  [2] <a 
  [3] <a 
  <b>Tiles add-in to moved to core</b><br/>
  Craig McClanahan moved the "Tiles" add-in into the core CVS source tree 
  from the "contrib" directory.[4] Ted Husted initiated a discussion about 
  some code modifications to "Tiles" to make it work more closely with the 
  core code base.[5]</p>
  [4] <a 
  [5] <a 
  <b>FormBean: Interface or Class?</b><br/>
  The discussion about whether the "FormBean" concept was best implemented 
  as an interface or a class resurfaced, and Craig McClanahan wrote a 
  decisive response explaining the motivation for maintaining it as a 
  class.[6]  In summary, designing FormBean as an interface would 
  facilitate inappropriate tangling of the "model" layer with the "view" 
  layer, while making it a class of its own encourages clean separation of 
  those layers.</p>
  [6] <a 
  <b>Struts and the Java Standard Tag Library (JSTL)</b><br/>
  After announcing the 1.0 release of the JSTL, Shawn Bayern offered 
  assistance towards integrating the rich Struts tag libraries with the 
  JSTL, which in many cases offers equivalent functionality.[7]  Craig 
  McClanahan indicated that a likely goal for a post 1.1 release of Struts 
  would be thorough integration with the JSTL expression language, and 
  aiming towards an eventual replacement of the Struts "bean" and "logic" 
  tag libraries with the equivalent tags from JSTL.[8]</p>
  [7] <a 
  [8] <a 
  <b>New Committer: James Holmes</b><br/>
  James Holmes, author of the popular Struts Console tool, was proposed as 
  a committer by Ted Husted [9] and was accepted unanimously.
  [9] <a 
  <b>Steps towards Struts 1.1b2</b><br/>
  As much of the activity on the list in June involved "swatting" bugs in 
  the current 1.1b1 release, Craig McClanahan proposed steps towards a 
  Struts 1.1b2 by around July 8th[10]  The requirements for the next beta 
  are basically closing any remaining bugs and improving documentation of 
  new Struts features. Committers responded  promptly with +1 votes and 
  further contributions.
  [10] <a 
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020624"></a>24 June 2002 - Tiles article in DeveloperWorks</h3>
  The IBM DeveloperWorks site is featuring a new article entitled 
  <b>Struts and Tiles aid component-based development</b></a>" by Wellie Chao.
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020623.1"></a>23 June 2002 - Struts Controller UML Diagrams</h3>
  The goal of this article is to illustrate the Struts 1.1 Controller with UML 
diagrams. This article is an introduction to the Struts framework in order to help 
beginners programmers to understand the MVC model 2.
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020612.1"></a>12 June 2002 - Struts Console version 1.12.1</h3>
  Struts Console version 1.12.1 is now available.
  <p>Download Now:</p>
  <p>-- OR --</p>
  Struts Console is FREE software.
  This release is a bug fix release and does not introduce any new functionality.
  Changes with Struts Console v1.12.1
  <li>Fixed bug where the Action screen was not
       properly updating the Type/Forward/Include data
  <li>Fixed bug where the "Newlines" output option was
       not correctly setting the newline.</li>
  <li>Fixed bug where "Indent Elements" output option
       allowed for an empty value which caused the app
       to throw exceptions.</li>
  <li>Fixed "" Unix startup script to
       correctly set the classpath for invoking the
       standalone Struts Console.</li>
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020612.2"></a>12 June 2002 - Easy Struts 0.2</h3>
  <p>Easy Struts 0.2 for Eclipse is out</p>
  <li>Wizard for action, form, jsp creation</li>
  <li>Create &amp; Run with Tomcat Sysdeo Plugin</li>
  <li>Wizard for forward creation added</li>
  <li>Some fix</li>
  More : 
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020612"></a>12 June 2002 - Artimus 0.4</h3>
  An updated version of the Artimus example application is now available at:
  See the README.TXT to get started.
  This application demonstrates some of the design strategies discussed on the list 
  <li>The business tier is represented by a set of "ProcessBeans", dispatched using 
the Command pattern.</li>
  <li>A framework Action is used to dispatch the ProcessBeans. The bean type is 
specified using the parameter property. </li>
  <li>The framework Action (ProcessAction) returns a data transfer object 
(ResultList), designed for use by the presentation layer.</li>
  Other goodies include:
  <li>SQL commands are stored in external properties files and can be changed without 
  <li>All SQL commands are processed through a pair of easy-to-use static methods.</li>
  <li>ResultSets are automatically transferred to a collection of beans. </li>
  <li>A connection pool adapter allows use of the Struts connection pool from the 
business tier (and I said it couldn't be done :o). Other pools (Poolman, Resin, et 
cetera) may be configured through the web.xml. </li>
  <li>Lucene is used side-by-side with JDBC to provide better searching when 
appropriate. </li>
  <li>A helper servlet is used to load custom resources so ActionServlet does not need 
to be subclassed. </li>
  <li>Application settings can be configured through the web.xml or a properties 
  Most of these come out of the updated Scaffold package that is bundled in this 
distribution. The versions of Artimus and Scaffold in the Apache-Struts CVS will be 
updated shortly.
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020611.1"></a>11 June 2002 - Struts Builder v0.4 beta</h3>
  The SourceForge project "RiverNorth" has released Struts Builder v0.4 beta.
  "Struts Builder" is an Opensource tool (GPL license) originally developed 
  for internal use to aid in development of Struts-based web applications 
  (1.1 style). The standalone Swing application allows users to create from 
  scratch and/or import existing Struts 1.x struts-config.xml files, modify 
  them via a forms-based GUI and generate the shell code including JSP/HTML 
  pages, web.xml, struts-config.xml and java source files for Actions and 
  ActionForms classes required for an implementation. I'm currently working 
  on transferring info from our internal bug tracking system to the source 
  forge site.
  Planned future enhancements include creating plugin versions for popular 
  IDEs, XMI import/export for WebUML, and the addition of a purely visual 
  component for visualizing/editing the application model.
  The tool is available at: <a 
  This project is actively seeking feedback and contributors.
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020611"></a>11 June 2002 - JavaPro Articles on Struts</h3>
  JavaPro printed some articles regarding Struts in April and May. 
  In case you missed them, here's the links: 
 the MVC Design Pattern Using Struts</b></a> by Peter Varhol</li>
a Solid Web-App Framework</b></a> by Tim Holloway</li>
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020607.1"></a>07 Jun 2002 - O'Reilly Chapter 7</h3>
  Chapter 7 of the upcoming Struts book by Chuck Cavaness is now available 
  on The ServerSide for community review. 
  Chapter 7 - Struts View Components - Chapter 7 introduces the components that make 
up the view 
  portion of the Struts framework.
  The framework uses the view components to render dynamic content for the client. 
  primarily on JavaServer Pages, the components provide support for internationalized
  applications, as well extensive support for user input acceptance, validation, and 
error handling,
  all of which make it easier for the developer to focus on business requirements. 
This chapter
  concludes the three-part discussion of how the Struts framework implements the MVC 
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020607"></a>07 Jun 2002 - Introduction to Struts Presentation</h3>
  A general introduction to Struts by Dave Hay. Appropriate for team meetings. Use 
as-is or a basis for your own.
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020606"></a>06 Jun 2002 - Wanted: Struts Newsletter Editors</h3>
  <p>Our parent project, Apache-Jakarta, is organizing a joint newsletter</p>
  <p><a href="";>
  <p>Keeping the News and Status page updated from week to week is all the Struts 
  committers can handle right now. Other volunteers to help create a monthly highlight 
  of what's happening on the lists would be welcome.</p>
  <p>Followup thread:</p>
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg32915.html</a></p>
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020605"></a>05 Jun 2002 - Struts Console version 1.12</h3>
  Struts Console version 1.12 is now available.
  <a href="";></a>
  <p>Download Now:<br/>
    -- OR -- <br/>
  Struts Console is FREE software.
  This release fixes a few bugs and adds significant new
  functionality with the addition of new options for
  output in the stanadalone version.  Now you can select
  the format for how your XML file will be saved.  To
  access this new functionality go to the "Options" menu
  in the standalone version of the software.
  Changes with Struts Console v1.12
  <li>Fixed bug in standalone version where files
  were being added to the recent files menu even if
  they were never successfully opened.
  Fixed bug where adding new Exceptions or Forwards
  to Actions would misplace the nodes in the tree
  Added new options for how XML output is generated
  in standalone version of app.
  Updated Message Resources screen to also show the
  Messages key.
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020607"></a>07 Jun 2002 - Easy Struts on SourceForge</h3>
  The Eclipse &amp; JBuilder plugins for Struts are now available under the EasyStruts 
  <a href="";>EasyStruts on Sourceforge</a>
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020604"></a>04 Jun 2002 - FL Child Support Payments: Powered by 
  "My boss gave me the OK to give the Struts User Group access to the
  Struts-based application I'm working on.
  "I recently finished a beta release of a Child Support Payment (CSE-PAY)
  system for the state of Florida.  The system is a Struts-based webapp where
  I use several Struts features -- as much Struts as I could figure for my
  first Struts project.
  "You can access the system at:
  Login to the web server with:
  User:  myflc<br/>
  Pass:  myflc
  "Once logged in you're welcome to experiment with the system as much as you
  like, i.e. sign up a phony user, credit card (e.g. Visa 4111111111111111),
  add casses, make payments, etc...
  "I have not got the OK to release all the source as a bundle, yet.  But, I
  can release snippets on a case-by-case basis -- that is, I can send the code
  that implements some behavior you're interested in.  Hopefully I can release
  the complete source, soon."
  For more, see the <a 
  <a href=""></a>
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020603"></a>03 Jun 2002 - strutsGuessingGame1.0</h3>
 Guessing Game v1.0</a>
  A guessing game written with Struts like the one that comes with Tomcat's examples, 
includes sources, ANT build script 
  and a Struts jar distribution
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020527.2"></a>27 May 2002 - Struts Tips</h3>
  Struts Tips is a twice-weekly column featuring practical cut-and-paste
  advice for Struts developers. 
  The columns first run on the MVC-Programmers list and will later be available 
through Husted dot Com and JGuru. 
  MVC-Programmer List<br/>
  - <a 
  Struts Tips archives<br/>
  - <a 
  - <a href="";></a>
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020527.1"></a>27 May 2002 - Struts Action Plug-in Extension 1.0</h3>
  The Action Plug-In Extension is, in concept, very similar to the Servlet Filter 
mechanism. It 
  is meant to provide a clean and transparent way to plug-in common controller logic 
(such as 
  authentication, workflow, etc.) for Struts actions in an application. 
  <a href="";></a>
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020527"></a>27 May 2002 - Eclipse Struts Wizard v2.0</h3>
  Same user interface as our JBuilder Wizard but:
  <li>ActionForm, Action, input JSP and struts-config.xml generation powered by 
eclipse framework.</li>
  <li>Compatible with Tomcat plugin from Sysdeo.</li>
  <li>And some bug fixes ... </li>
  Available at <a 
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020525"></a>25 May 2002 - Struts Console version 1.11</h3>
  <p>Struts Console version 1.11 is now available.</p>
  <a href="";></a><br/>
  This release adds more support for 1.1 config files and updates some of the help 
  Changes with Struts Console v1.11
  <li>Fixed bug in NetBeans/Forte module where Struts Console module was disabling 
printing for Struts config files.</li>
  <li>Added support for &lt;messages-resources> and &lt;plug-in> elements in 1.1 
config files.</li>
  <li>Updated code to be more efficient and use less memory.</li>
  <li>Changed distribution to have a master directory (i.e. struts-console-1.11).</li>
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020522.1"></a>22 May 2002 - O'Reilly Chapter 10</h3>
  Chapter 10 of the upcoming Struts book by Chuck Cavaness is now available 
  on The ServerSide for community review. 
  Chapter 10 - Exception Handling <br/>
  This chapter will look at how you can properly use the Java exception handling 
  within your Struts applications to help make your applications more 
industrial-strength and
  allow them to gracefully respond when things don't go as expected. Special attention 
will be
  given to the differences between performing the exception handling programmatically 
  using the new declarative feature added to the new version of Struts. 
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020522"></a>22 May 2002 - Struts Console v1.10</h3>
  Struts Console version 1.10 is now available.
  <a href="";></a>
  This release adds more support for 1.1 config files and updates some of the help 
  Changes with Struts Console v1.10
  <li>Added ability to specify new config file versionin stand-alone app when creating 
new config files from scratch.</li>
  <li>Added support for &lt;controller> element in 1.1config files.</li>
  <li>Removed unnecessary duplicate of JDOM classes from console.jar thus making 
downloads smaller.</li>
  <li>Updated help/installation documentation.</li>
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020513.1"></a>13 May 2002 - Struts Wizard v1.0.2 for JBuilder</h3>
  The Struts Wizard v1.0.2 for JBuilder is now available. <br/>
  Updated in 1.0.2 release:
  <li>Re-add a deleted property fixed.</li>
  <li>Some JBuilder 6 problems (about jbuilder test path) with java code generation 
fixed. </li>
  <li>String initializer don't need quotes (except null).</li>
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020513"></a>13 May 2002 - Struts SOS Service</h3>
  As part of the recent Supporting Open Source announcements, the Struts Support area 
is now open for public access.
  See <a href="";></a>
  Support requests can be placed after purchasing support, however the rest of the 
information is available for free.
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020510"></a>10 May 2002 - ReviewAlert - Powered by Struts</h3>
  Ever want to watch the reviews on amazon for a little while before you buy 
  something?... how about a group of items before you pick one?...
  ...well here's the tool to use. Simply register items on Amazon 
  against your email address, and they'll watch the item's review listing. When 
  a new review is posted, they'll email you about it and tell you what's going 
  on, and a link to get you there.
  <a href="";></a>
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <p><a name="20020522.1"></a>10 May 2002 - O'Reilly Chapters 5 and 6</p>
  Chapters 5 and 6 of the upcoming Struts book by Chuck Cavaness are now 
  available on The ServerSide for community review. 
  Chapter 5 - Struts Controller Components <br/>
  The Struts framework uses a servlet to process incoming requests, however it relies 
on many
  other components that are part of the controller domain, to help it carry out its
  responsibilities. The Struts controller components have been briefly mentioned in 
  chapters, but it's time to take in-depth look at what components have responsibility 
for the
  controller functionality in the framework. 
  Chapter 6 - Struts Model Components <br/>
  This chapter introduces the components that make up the model portion of a Struts
  application. The model represents the business data for an application and should 
  resemble the real-world entities and business processes for the organization. We 
will explore
  the roles and responsibilities of the model components within the Struts framework 
and focus on building an architecturally correct
  implementation for the storefront application. Special attention will be given to 
using a persistence framework that can be easily and effortlessly
  integrated into a Struts application. 
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020504"></a>04 May 2002 - Chinese Translation of Struts User 
  The translated document is being reviewed in a 
  small circle of experenced Java programmers in both mainland China and US.
  Preview can be found at<br/>
  <a href="";>
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020502"></a>02 May 2002 - Struts Wizard v1.0 final for JBuilder</h3>
  StrutsWizard v1.0 is an opentool for JBuilder IDE. This gallery wizard can create 
ActionForm, Action
  and fully JSP input page. Update in 1.0 release:
  <li>Work with Struts Console (JBuilder opentool mode) by James Holmes, now struts 
wizard update struts-config.xml via Struts Console..</li>
  <li>7 Types added in form properties creation (String, int, float, boolean...) </li>
  <li>You can now choose the input tag type foreach properties. </li>
  <li>You can now set the initializer foreach properties. </li>
  <li>Class generation based on Borland JOT (Java Object Toolkit), so syntax errors 
are detected (and commented;). </li>
  More info: <a 
  You can download it at: <a 
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020501"></a>01 May 2002 - stxx 0.9.5 is available</h3>
  The latest update to stxx is available at<br/>
  <a href="";></a>
  The biggest change in this version is the ability to have your transform 
  tags do xsl:fo transformations (for example to PDF or SVG).
  There are also bug fixes and updates to the examples.
  Struts for transforming XML with XSL (stxx) is an extension of the 
  Struts framework to support XML and XSL without changing the 
  functionality of Struts .
  stxx sits on top of Struts, extending it's existing functionality to 
  allow Action classes to return XML that will be transformed by an XSL file.
  The idea of stxx is to remove the need to be use JSP and TagLibs for the 
  presentation layer of this framework. However, stxx does not force you 
  to go the XML/XSL route, both technologies work side by side.
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020428"></a>28 Apr 2002 - StrutsTestCase v1.7 Released</h3>
  StrutsTestCase v1.7 introduces support for Struts 1.1,
  provides several requested enhancements, and fixes many 
  reported defects.
  The project home page can be found here:<br/>
  <a href="";></a>
  Notes for this release can be found here:<br/>
  Questions and comments are always welcome!
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020425"></a>25 Apr 2002 - O'Reilly Chapters 1 and 2</h3>
  Chapters 1 and 2 of the upcoming Struts book by Chuck Cavaness are now available on 
  The ServerSide for community review. 
  Chapter 1 - Introduction
  This introduction chapter discusses some preliminary concepts such as MVC, Model 2, 
and the idea of a software framework. Although many
  developers may understand some or all of the ideas presented here, the inclusion of 
the material is necessary to ensure all readers are starting
  from the same place. The concepts presented in this chapter help to lay the 
foundation for the rest of the book. 
  Chapter 2 - Inside the Web Tier
  The Struts framework is based on the Java Servlet Technology and to a lesser extent, 
JavaServer Pages, and therefore is tightly coupled to a
  web container. For Struts developers, understanding how the web container processes 
client requests is fundamental to having a deeper
  understanding of the framework itself. This chapter illustrates the various 
components that are part of the web container and what each
  component's responsibilities are.
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020424"></a>24 Apr 2002  - Struts1.1 UML Class diagrams</h3>
  UML diagrams representing the main classes from Struts 1.1 Framework, and also 
showing depreciation
  from Strut 1.0, are available at:</p>
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020423.1"></a>23 Apr 2002 - Synthis Corporation annouces support for 
the Apache Struts J2EE Architecture</h3>
  Synthis Corporation is pleased to announce that Adalon, a next-generation functional 
design tool for modeling Internet
  applications, now offers full support for the Struts framework, the leading 
open-source J2EE Web application architecture
  from the Apache Software Foundation.
  Adalon provides a single, integrated environment to gather and track business 
requirements, visually model the process
  foundations of an application, and generate complete functional design documentation 
and code frameworks for ANY target
  software architecture, programming language, and development platform.
  Here is what people are saying about Adalon and Struts: 
  "The hardest part of designing any application can be deciding what to build.  
Adalon helps clients clearly define "the
  what" and "the why" of an application, and the code generation templates give Struts 
developers a serious jumpstart on "the
  how", helping us to build not only a great application, but also the right 
application." -- Ted Husted, 
  Active contributor to the Jakarta-Struts framework.
  "We have incorporated Adalon into our development process and are currently training 
our consultants on the product.  With
  Adalon, our consultants now have a great tool to manage the process of developing 
custom Struts solutions, from initial
  requirements gathering through to the delivery of implemented code." -- Dmitry 
Shugaev, Vice President of Technology, 
  Computer Consulting Services Corporation (CCSC).
  Synthis is offering support for Struts in the Adalon Struts Community Edition, and 
the Adalon Developer Edition.  For more
  details on the Adalon Struts Community Edition and the Adalon Developer Edition, 
please visit 
  To download a 30-day evaluation version of Adalon, please visit <a 
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020423"></a>23 Apr 2002 - JForms: a visual tool for Struts-based Web 
  SolanaSoft JForms is a visual tool for rapid creation of
  Struts-based Web forms.  JForms let you define the properties to capture in
  a form, along with data types, and basic validation, then generates all of
  the required Struts actions, forms, JSPs, application resources, error
  messages, and configuration files.  Finally, JForms compiles, packages, and
  deploys a WAR file to an embedded Tomcat app server for easy testing of the
  Its currently in beta, and we're still looking for a few volunteers to try
  it out.
  There is an online demonstration available at the website, and you can send
  an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] to sign up for the beta program.
  The site address is:<br/>
  <a href="";></a>
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020422"></a>22 Apr 2002 - Expresso 4.1 rc2</h3>
  A new release is available onsite for download for the open source Expresso
  Framework which builds on and extends the Struts framework. </p>
  <p>Download at:
  4.1 early access release candidate 2 of Expresso includes new features such
  as integration with Struts ActionForm, basic workflow capabilities,
  type-safe schema definitions and transition objects, ActionForm support in
  Unit Tests, and more Unit tests.  A couple performance enhancements have
  been made including to reduce lookup CPU cycles, and reduce locking
  time/contention. In addition, maintanence changes included removing
  depreciated testable interface and depreciated setup values, updated French
  message bundle, updated Sybase support, separate test suites, as well as
  refactoring ListBase and createTable. Various corrections and bug fixes have
  also been made. This release includes some new user documentation including
  on workflow which is onsite. Addionally there are EDG updates such as the
  section on XML Viewhandler. The EDG documents are not yet updated onsite but
  will be soon.</p>
  This release is the second early access candidate which is intended to
  prepare the way for a production quality stable 4.1. There will probably one
  more release candidate before the final release. Expresso is an
  architectural framework which has more than 91,000 downloads and ~4700
  people on it's listserv.</p>
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020416"></a>16 Apr 2002  - Struts Console v1.8</h3>
  Struts Console version 1.8 is now available.</p>
  This release adds support for the most commonly used new 1.1 config file elements 
and fixes an outstanding JDeveloper bug.
  Changes with Struts Console v1.8</p>
  Added support for new 1.1 config file elements: 
  &lt;global-exceptions>, &lt;exception> and &lt;form-property>.
  <li>Fixed Oracle JDeveloper Addin to support JDeveloper 9i RC2 and future 
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020409"></a>09 Apr 2002  - Struts Tutorial (Wiesner)</h3>
  An easy step by step introduction to Struts. 
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020405"></a>05 Apr 2002  - Struts Tutorial in Spanish (Izura)</h3>
  This is an announcement of a new tutorial of Struts written in Spanish, with sample 
  Por si a alguien le interesa hay un nuevo tutorial sobre struts que se
  puede descargar de o de
  Contiene ejemplos de codigo que pueden ser utiles para iniciarse.
  Hasta otra!
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020404"></a>04 Apr 2002  - struts-layout 0.4 released</h3>
  struts-layout is a specialized and open source taglib for struts that allows 
  fast UI development by providing tags to insert usual components (form, fields, 
  lists etc.) in a page. The tags deal with the layout and the developer don't 
  have to write HTML code any more.
  struts-layout 0.4 supports value formatting and the display of input fields 
  read-write or read only according to the user profile or the type of action 
  done (creation of data, edition of data, inspection of data).
  For more information about struts-layout please visit<br/> 
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <p align="center">
  <a href="news_2002_q1.html">
  <b>MORE NEWS</b></a>
  1.1                  jakarta-struts/doc/news/news_2002_q1.xml
  Index: news_2002_q1.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
      <author email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Craig McClanahan</author>
      <author email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Martin Cooper</author>
      <author email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Ted Husted</author>
      <title>New and Status - Jakarta Struts</title>
  <section name="News">
  <h3><a name="20020319"></a>19 March 2002 - Struts 1.1 Beta 1 Released</h3>
  The Struts team announces the release of Struts 1.1 Beta 1. This release
  includes substantial new functionality, while retaining full backwards
  compatibility with earlier versions of Struts. It also incorporates fixes
  for a number of bugs which were reported against earlier versions.
  The binary distribution for this release is available 
  <a href="";>
  and the source distribution
  is available 
  <a href="";>
  In addition, a library distribution, which consists of a minimal
  binary distribution, without sample web applications or additional code, is
  <a href="";>
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="200204"></a>12 Mar 2002  - Chiki v0.27 released (now with Revision 
  Chiki v0.27 released and ready for download.
  This released includes:
  Simple Revision Control: providing Revision History and Tracking and the option to 
  Revert to a previous revision. ('diff' not included in this release). Uses Xml 
  (via Castor) to provide 'out-of-the-box' behaviour. Future version will integrate 
  <li>some Content Translation bugs fixed</li>
  <li>other minor bug fixes</li>
  Full details can be found on the website <a 
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020304"></a>04 March 2002 - Best Practice with Expresso-Struts 
  In this article, Peter Pilgrim looks at the best practice of using a popular web
  application toolkit, The Expresso Framework. The Expresso Framework, until version 
3, had its
  own Model View Controller engine. It now  integrates Struts, further reducing the 
amount of
  code that developers need to write. As well as having an  MVC framework, Struts also 
has its
  own powerful custom tag actions. Custom tag libraries and their powerful bean 
  core further reduce the total amount of Java scriptlets in Java Server Pages."
  <a href="";>
  HTML</a> | 
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020301"></a>01 March 2002 - Simper 0.2</h3>
  Simper is a simple JDBC persistence mechanism for Java web apps. It
  features many of the interesting features of EJB, such as automatic
  transaction demarcation (by way of Servlet Filters), and automatic
  change detection of database rows (by way of DynaBeans). Lastly, the
  notation by which you reference rows, as well as relations between
  tables, is extremely JSP friendly.
  <a href="";></a>
  0.2 is not a new release (it's been out for about a month), but, a
  SourceForge project has been set up, with mailing lists, CVS, etc., so
  that others can discuss and contribute (as I am getting quite busy
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020228.3"></a>28 February 2002 - Struts Whitepaper</h3>
  I've been collecting, in a document, Struts examples 
  and know how while I have been learning Struts.  I 
  have decided to make this available to everyone in 
  a white paper.
  It's available on my companies web-site at:<br/>
  <a href="";>
  It's under the Model_Layer_Framework heading.  The
  link to the paper is called Struts_Whitepaper.doc
  (it's a word document.)
  I hope others will find this to be useful.
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020228.2"></a>28 February 2002 - Struts Workflow Extension 
  To all struts users!
  It has been quite some time since I first announced the Struts Workflow
  Extension Package. Since then, I have received several requests for an example
  application and pretty good ideas for further enhancements. Here now is the 
  first official release that includes an example application and most of the 
  suggested enhancements.
  I know that there is a proposal and already some work going on in the Jakarta
  Commons Project for a generic workflow package that is not directly based on 
  Struts, but should be easily integratable. Unfortunately this work is not 
  progressing as quickly as some struts user would like to see. Thus, if you have 
  a need (and in each Web-Application you normally have) for workflow control, try 
  this extension and check whether it is appropriate for you.
  For more information, the general concepts, documentation and downloading the 
  sources, visit
  <a href="";></a>
  Of course, your feedback is very welcome.
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020228"></a>28 February 2002 - Tutorial for implementing i18n</h3>
  I have posted a simple step by step tutorial of getting internationalization
  working with Struts.
  You can find it here:<br/>
  <a href="";></a>
  I welcome any comments, as I intend on improving it where necessary.
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020223"></a>23 February 2002 - New Plugin mechanism</h3>
  A new lightweight PlugIn mechanism is now available in the nightly build.
  <a href="";></a>
  The PlugIn API is somewhat stripped down compared to the ServiceManager, so
  it's possible that it won't meet your needs. The ServiceManager itself has
  largely been moved to Jakarta Commons, and is currently in the sandbox:
  <a href="";></a>
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020212"></a>12 February 2002 - Stxx for transforming XML</h3>
  <a href="";>
  <b>Struts for transforming XML with XSL</b></a> (stxx) is an extension of 
  the Struts framework to enhance support for XML and XSL.
  stxx sits on top of Struts, extending it's existing functionality to allow
  Action classes to return XML that will be transformed by an XSL file.
  The idea of stxx is to remove the need to be use JSP and TagLibs for the
  presentation layer of this framework. However, stxx does not force you to go the
  XML/XSL route, both technologies should work side by side.
  So, adding XSL support to struts is ALMOST as simple as adding the following
  tags to your struts-config.xml file:
  &lt;action path="/welcome"
          &lt;forward name="success">
      the transform tags take the XML returned by the Action
      and transform them. The transform tag used is determined
      by matching the user agent against the name attribute (or
      default if nothing matches)
                  &lt;transform name="default" path="/login.xsl"/>
                  &lt;transform name="Mozilla" path="/login_netscape.xsl"/>
                  &lt;transform name="MSIE" path="/login_msie.xsl"/>
  stxx features:
  Enhances the &lt;forward> tag in the struts-config.xml file to allow
  one to many &lt;transform> tags. These &lt;transform> tags represent 
  the XSL file to be used depending on the user-agent of the 
  browser accessing struts
  A new class variable for the Action class, A JDOM Document, which 
  you use to append your data in your Action class too. This 
  Document object will be transformed by the XSL file in your 
  &lt;transform> tag.
  stxx automatically flattens the ApplicationResources file to XML 
  and attaches it to the Document object returned by the new Action   
  stxx also automatically appends the request parameters and 
  attributes, as well as ActionErrors as XML to the Document 
  Please note: stxx is a work in progress, however, at this point I've been using
  it for about 4 months and it works great for me, I realize it might not fit
  everyone elses needs. Please send me feedback, opinions, complains, etc.
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020211"></a>11 February 2002 - Struts 1.0.2 Released</h3>
  The Struts team announces the release of Struts 1.0.2. This release is a
  bug fix only release, which fixes a compatibility problem inadvertently introduced
  with the previous 1.0.1 release. 
  The binary distribution for this release is available 
  <a href="";>
  and the source distribution
  is available 
  <a href="";>
  In addition, a library distribution, which consists of a minimal
  binary distribution, without sample web applications or additional code, is
  <a href="";>
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3>6 February 2002 - Struts Console v1.4</h3>
  Struts Console version 1.4 is now available.
  <a href="";></a><br/>
  <a href="";></a>
  This release adds plugin support for the new Oracle
  JDeveloper 9i IDE.  This release also adds significant
  new funcionality to the "JSP Converter" and renames it
  to "Page Converter".
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3>26 January 2002 - Free Struts Development Tool</h3>
  "ObjectAssembler Standard is focused on supporting developers whose sole
  area of concern is developing Servlets, JSPs, JavaBeans and Struts
  components. It provides a visual development and code synchronization
  environment for the creation and assembly of these components into web
  Here is the download page:<br/>
  <a href="";></a>
  Here is a Viewlet showing some of ObjectAssembler's features:<br/>
  <a href="";></a>
  Please give it a try and tell us what you think. We are currently working on
  our next major release that will provide J2EE 1.3 support. We also plan to
  support Struts as it evolves (multi-app support, etc.), so any input we
  receive would make that support even better.
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020118"></a>18 Jan 2002 - Nested Taglib added to nightly build</h3>
  Struts tags support a dotted notation to refer to a nested beans. The Nested 
  Talib extends this notation to automatically include a parent tag. Instead of 
  referring to a property as parent<strong>.</strong>child, "parent" can be 
  defined with the <code>nest</code> tag, and other Struts tags within that 
  tag can simply refer to the "child" property. Tags can be nested arbitarily 
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3>17 January 2002 - Chiki v0.23</h3>
  Chiki is a Wiki-like webapp built using Struts. This is the first
  publicly available release, so as much feedback as possible would be
  greatly appreciated. 
  Chiki can be found at:<br/>
  <a href="";> </a>
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3>14 January 2002 - New Committer, Arron Bates </h3>
  Arron Bates, known for his interesting and popular nesting extension to 
  the Struts taglibs has been elected as a Struts Committer. 
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3>13 Janaury 2002 - Scioworks Camino v1.0</h3>
  We are pleased to announce the general availability of the Scioworks Camino 
  v1.0, visual tool for Struts application development.
  Download is available at <br/>
  <a href="";></a>
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020112.2"></a>12 Jan 2002 - MultiApp Capability Added</h3>
  Support for multiple application modules has been added to the nightly build. 
  Developers can now provide multiple Struts configuration files, each of which 
  can defines its own "module prefix". All of the "context-relative" values in 
  the Struts configuration are now "module-relative". Struts components which '
  handle context-relative URIs now transparently handle module-relative URIs. 
  Existing configuration files, JavaServer Pages, or Actions do not need to be 
  changed to use this capability. The only change is to specify the module 
  prefix to be used with each additional configuration. 
  This feature allows different teams to work on different parts of an 
  application at the same time, without conflict over the configuration file. 
  It also allows Struts applications that were developed independantly to be 
  easily merged. 
  Formal documentation is pending. See the Mailing List Archive for details. 
  The BIG Check-In for Multi-App Support</a></li>
  Action mappings and The BIG Check-In</a></li>
  [proposal] Multi-app sources modifications</a></li>
  Struts Next</a></li>
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020112"></a>12 Jan 2002 - Struts 1.0.1 Released</h3>
    The Struts team is proud to announce the release of Struts 1.0.1. This
    release is primarily a bug fix release, which fixes a number of known
    problems with the previous 1.0 release.
    The binary distribution for this release is available
    and the source distribution is available
    In addition, a library distribution, which consists of a minimal binary 
    without sample web applications or additional code, is available
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20020103"></a>03 Jan 2002 - Struts + Velocity + Tools</h3>
  The first code for the new 
  <a href="";>
  Velocity Tool Subproject</a> is in and
  can be found in CVS as jakarta-velocity-tools. The first 
  functionality includes integration with Jakarta Struts as well as a
  generic template-rendering servlet with tool support.
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <p align="center">
  <a href="news_2001.html">
  <b>MORE NEWS</b></a>
  1.1                  jakarta-struts/doc/news/news_2001.xml
  Index: news_2001.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
      <author email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Craig McClanahan</author>
      <author email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Martin Cooper</author>
      <author email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Ted Husted</author>
      <title>New and Status</title>
  <section name="News &amp; Status - 2001">
  <h3><a name="20011220"></a>20 Dec 2001 - New version of ISValidator in English</h3>
  Inigo Serrano has released a new version of 
  <a href="";>
  <b>ISValidator</b></a>, a collection of Java routines to 
  validate data Struts forms, is now available in English. 
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20011217"></a>17 Dec 2001 - Mapper ActionForm-to-Value Object and 
  Andrej Sobkowski has 
  <a href=";">
  released an extension</a> to help map ActionForm 
  properties to more business-oriented value objects.
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20011210"></a>10 Dec 3001 - eContent 2.0 released</h3>
  Now with Struts integrated, Jcorporate ( has today
  released a new version of its web content management system (CMS), 
  <a href="";>
  eContentversion 2.0</a>:.
  eContent is a sophisticated application built using Expresso/Struts. 
  Full Java source code is available.  eContent integrates web content 
  management, scalable content delivery, workflow, collaboration
  and personalization and more. It also integrates with several open source
  projects including eForum - delivering context-sensitive forums to resources
  such as articles or financial reports. With enhanced support for managing
  content stored in databases, XML repositories, and static files, eContent
  provides team-based enterprise-wide collaboration.
  A full list of 
  2.0 enhancements is available</a>. A  
  <a href="";>
  new demo is also available online</a>.
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20011113"></a>13 Nov 2001 - Expresso version 4.0 released</h3>
  Expresso version 4.0 is now available at 
  <a href="">
  <b></b></a>. For more
  information and to download the expresso4-00-complete.jar see
  <a href="";>
        Expresso 4.0 integrates
        with Struts, and provides capabilities for database-stored
        security, robust object-relational mapping, background job handling and
        scheduling, self-tests, log4j logging integration, automated table
        manipulation, database connection pooling, email connectivity, event
        notification, caching, internationalization, XML automation, testing,
        registration objects, configuration management, automatic database
        maintenance...and so on.
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20011130"></a>30 Nov 2001 - Struts/MVC Book and Training Seminars</h3>
        BaseBeans Engineering offers both public and private training classes in 
        developing MVC applications using the Struts framework and other open 
        standards software.  Please visit the BaseBeans web site for more 
        information (
        BaseBeans Engineering is announcing the widespread availability of the book 
        "Struts Fast Track: J2EE/JSP Framework", covering the necessities of 
        developing open standards, MVC, Struts-based applications, including open 
        standard software overviews, database CRUD, object orientation, tiles, 
        menus, security, refactoring, and deployment.
        "Struts Fast Track" may be purchased at Atlas Books 
        Chapter 1: Orientation
        Chapter 2: Warm Up
        Chapter 3: Requirements
        Chapter 4: Framework Installation
        Chapter 5: Support
        Chapter 6: Application Architecture
        Chapter 7: Searching
        Chapter 8: Setup RDBMS
        Chapter 9: Data Retrieval
        Chapter 10: Object Orientation
        Chapter 11: XML from JSP
        Chapter 12: Drill Down
        Chapter 13: Debugging
        Chapter 14: Data Entry
        Chapter 15: Master-Detail Processing
        Chapter 16: Security
        Chapter 17: Demo
        Chapter 18: Data Validation
        Chapter 19: Administration
        Chapter 20: Portal Tiles
        Chapter 21: Refactoring
        Chapter 22: Menus
        Chapter 23: Deployment
        Chapter 24: Performance Assurance
        Chapter 25: Audit Queue
        Chapter 26: Content Syndication
        Chapter 27: Review
        Appendix A: Downloads
        Appendix B: Technology Architecture
        Appendix C: Struts Tiles
        Appendix D: Struts Validation
        Appendix E: WebLogic Deployment
        Appendix F: Why not use ... ?
        For more information, please visit the 
        <a href="";>BaseBeans Engineering</a> web site. 
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20011127"></a>27 Nov 2001 - Routines to validate Data in Struts</h3>
  <b>ISValidator</b></a> is a set of routines designed to help validate data 
  in diferents scenarios, command line argumets, Servlets Parameters, 
  and so forth. Support has now been added to use ISValidator with
  Struts 1.0. 
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3>27 Nov 2001 - Struts 1.0.1-rc1 Released</h3>
    The first <strong>Release Candidate</strong> for Struts 1.0.1 is now
    available. This release fixes a number of known problems with the
    Struts 1.0 release.
    The binary distribution for this release candidate is available
    and the source distribution is available
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20011005"></a>05 Oct 2001 - Free remote JSP/java debugger for 
  Day Corp.'s 
  <a href="";>
  <b>Communique JSP Debugger</b></a> is a remote java/jsp debugger for
  Tomcat. it's based on JPDA 1.0 (Java Platform Debugger Architecture),
  which is the official debugging support for the Java 2 platform.
  <hr noshade="" size="1"/>
  <h3><a name="20010615"></a>15 Jun 2001 - Struts 1.0 Released</h3>
  As promised at JavaOne, the
  <a href="";>Struts</a> project team is proud
  to announce the availability of <strong>Version 1.0</strong> of the
  Struts Framework.  The binary distribution for Struts 1.0 is available
  <a href="";>here</a>
  and the source distribution is available
  A <a href="press.html">press release</a> is also available.
  <hr noshade="" size="1"/>
  <h3><a name="20010602"></a>02 Jun 2001 - Struts 1.0-beta-3 Released </h3>
  <p><strong>Struts 1.0-beta-3</strong> is a release candidate version of the
  Struts Framework, likely to be the final beta prior to the Struts 1.0 Final
  Release, which is currently scheduled for <strong>June 15, 2001</strong>.
  Please help identify any remaining bugs that need to be fixed prior to
  final release, and report them to our bug tracking system at
  <a href="";></a>.
  <p>The binary distribution of Struts 1.0-beta-3 is available
  and the source distribution of Struts 1.0-beta-3 is available
  <hr noshade="" size="1"/>
  <h3><a name="20010519"></a>19 May 2001 - Jakarta Struts 1.0-b2 Released</h3>
  <p><strong>Struts 1.0-b2</strong> is an update release in preparation for a
  final release of Struts 1.0 prior to JavaOne 2001.  The changes included are
  documented in the
  <a href="";>Release
  Notes</a>.  Get your copy of this latest release
  <hr noshade="" size="1"/>
  <h3><a name="20010223"></a>23 Feb 2001 - Struts 1.0 Beta 1 Released </h3>
    <a href="";>Version 1.0-beta-1 of the Struts 
    Framework is now available for download.</a>
    Struts is an open source project, under the sponsorship of the Apache
    Software Foundation, to produce framework useful in building web
    applications with Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology.
    Struts encourages application architectures based on the
    Model-View-Controller (MVC) design paradigm.
  <hr noshade="" size="1"/>
  <h3><a name="20010107"></a>07 Jan 2001 - MySQL Database Admin Tool</h3>
  A database administration tool based on STRUTS 0.5 is 
  available online at
  <a href="";>
        You will be asked to provide a user id and password.
        Use the following logon details
        userid : teatimej<br/>
        password : yyyyyy
        The application demonstrates several features of STRUTS including the
        iterate tag, indexed properties, template, form:select, jdbc connection
        and so forth.
  <hr noshade="" size="1"/>
  1.1                  jakarta-struts/doc/news/index.xml
  Index: index.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
      <author email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Ted Husted</author>
      <title>New and Status - Jakarta Struts</title>
  <section name="Status" href="status">
  The <b>stable production release</b> is <a 
href="";>Struts 1.02</a> 
(11 February 2002).
  <a href="";>Struts 
1.1b</a> is in its second <b>beta release</b> (12 August 2002).
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
    See the <a href="../status.html">Development Roadmap</a> for an overview of future 
    See the <a href="";>Apache Bug Database</a> 
for outstanding issues and enhancement requests.
    See the <a href="";>Struts 
Nightly Build</a> for the latest development distribution.
    See the <a href="";>Struts-Dev list</a> for 
current development communications.
    See the <a href="";>Struts CVS</a> for 
the current development codebase.
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  Struts is a completely open product. The
  <a href="";>Struts Committers</a> 
conduct all development
  business using the resources cited here, which are all available to the public. Only
  Struts Committers may write to the
  <a href="";>CVS</a>. Developer 
contributions may be posted
  to <a href="";>The Apache Bug Database</a>.
  <section name="Recent News" href="news">
  <h3><a name=""></a></h3>
  <p><a href=""></a></p>
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20021106.2"></a>06 Nov 2002 - Struts in Action now in print</h3>
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20021106"></a>06 Nov 2002 - Struts News Roundup</h3>
  <a href="";>Struts team</a> is proud 
to welcome 4 new Committers this month, David Karr, Eddie Bush, David Graham, and 
James Mitchell</p>
  Everyone is working steadily toward the release of Struts 1.1 beta 3. To help keep 
everyone on track, the team added a
  <a href="";>Development Roadmap</a>.
  There are a number of "nice to haves" that won't make Struts 1.1 which are now 
slated for Struts 1.2. Farther down the road, Struts 2.0 will rely upon the new 
standards, like JavaServer Faces and JSTL.
  The platform for Struts 1.1 will remain Servlet 2.2 and JSP 1.1. However, a Struts 
JSTL taglib is available in the nightly build contrib directory and will be released 
with Struts 1.1 as a separate download.
  Solid Struts support for the other new standard,
  <a href="";>Struts 
JavaServer Faces</a>,
  is under development, but cannot be released quite yet.
  Meanwhile, the Struts User list will continue to enjoy its "casual Friday" policy. 
Off-topic messages are tolerated on Fridays so long as the message is prefixed with 
the token [FRIDAY]. Posting [FRIDAY] articles on any other weekday is strongly 
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <h3><a name="20021031"></a>31 Oct 2002 - Struts in Action Ebook Release</h3>
  <hr size="1" noshade=""/>
  <p align="center">
  <a href="news_2002_q3.html">
  <b>MORE NEWS</b></a>

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