Martin Cooper wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: David Graham [mailto:dgraham1980@;]
Subject: RE: [Vote] Modify classloading in RequestUtils

Do people still use Tomcat 3.2?

For what it's worth, I believe we agreed, prior to the release of 1.1-b2, to
drop support for Tomcat 3.2.x in favour of support for 3.3.x.

... which is what prompted creation of TC 3.3 unit tests, if memory serves. So, if we've dropped support for the container, and we run fine on the container that we do support, there's no issue - right?

If there is a solution that fits all containers (ie. nothing will be broken by the change) I think it's reasonable we would do it.

If there is not a solution that fits all containers I think it's reasonable we would close the bug with WONTFIX and suggest the upgrade their container.

Do we have folks that can properly test this on various containers? I like Craig's suggestion.

Martin Cooper

It's not like they have to pay to upgrade to 4.1.12. Maybe this isn't such a big deal.


Eddie Bush

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