husted      2002/12/01 12:22:41

  Modified:    doc/userGuide building_controller.xml
  Move sections 4.6.2 through and 4.8 to a new chapter ("Configuring 
Applications") to be uploaded later.
  Add references to new chapter, but no content changes.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.48      +12 -625   jakarta-struts/doc/userGuide/building_controller.xml
  Index: building_controller.xml
  RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-struts/doc/userGuide/building_controller.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.47
  retrieving revision 1.48
  diff -u -r1.47 -r1.48
  --- building_controller.xml   30 Nov 2002 14:30:27 -0000      1.47
  +++ building_controller.xml   1 Dec 2002 20:22:41 -0000       1.48
  @@ -525,7 +525,7 @@
  -    <section name="4.6 The Struts Configuration File" href="config">
  +    <section name="4.6 Writing Action Mappings" href="config">
           How does the controller servlet learn about the mappings you want?  It
  @@ -545,8 +545,12 @@
           application. This format of this document is described by the Document Type 
Definition (DTD)
           maintained at
  -        The User Guide touches on the most important elements and attributes 
available to the
  -        Struts configuration file, but developers are referred to the DTD for more 
  +        This chapter covers the configuration elements that you will typically 
  +        write as part of developing your application.
  +        There are several other elements that can be placed in the 
  +        struts-config file to customize your application. 
  +        See chapter 7 for more about the other elements in the Struts 
  +        configuration file. 
           The controller uses an internal copy of this document to parse the 
  @@ -713,614 +717,13 @@
           classes, all of these classes would also need to be modified. Of course, 
you can define
           whatever local forward properties makes sense for your own application.
  -      </section>
  -      <section name="4.6.2 Controller Configuration" href="controller_config">
  -      <p>
  -        The &lt;controller&gt; element allows you to configure the ActionServlet. 
Many of the controller
  -        parameters were previously defined by servlet init. parameters in your 
web.xml file but have been
  -        moved to this section of struts-config.xml. For full details on available 
parameters see the
  -        struts-config_1_1.dtd.
  -      </p>
  -      <p>
  -        This example uses the default values for several controller parameters.  If 
you only want default
  -        behavior you can omit the controller section altogether.
  -      </p>
  -        <pre><![CDATA[
  -        <controller 
  -            processorClass="org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor"
  -            debug="0"
  -            contentType="text/html"/>;
  -        ]]></pre>
  -      </section>
  -    <section name="4.6.3 Message Resources Configuration" href="resources_config">
  -    <p>
  -    Struts has builtin support for internationalization (I18N).
  -    You can define one or more <code>&lt;message-resources&gt;</code> elements
  -    for your webapp; modules can define their own resource bundles.
  -    Different bundles can be used simultaneously in your application, the
  -    'key' attribute is used to specify the desired bundle.
  -    </p>
  -    <blockquote>
  -    <ul>
  -    <li>
  -    <b>className</b> - Classname of configuration bean.
  -    [org.apache.struts.config.MessageResourcesConfig] (optional)
  -    </li>
  -    <li>
  -    <b>factory</b> - Classname of MessageResourcesFactory.
  -    [org.apache.struts.util.PropertyMessageResourcesFactory] (optional)
  -    </li>
  -    <li>
  -    <b>key</b> - ServletContext attribute key to store this bundle.
  -    [org.apache.struts.action.MESSAGE] (optional)
  -    </li>
  -    <li>
  -    <b>null</b> - Set to <code>false</code> to display missing resource keys
  -    in your application like '<i>???keyname???</i>' instead of <code>null</code>.
  -    [true] (optional)
  -    </li>
  -    <li>
  -    <b>parameter</b> - Name of the resource bundle. (required)
  -    </li>
  -    </ul>
  -    </blockquote>
  -    <p>Example configuration:</p>
  -null="false" />
  -    <p>
  -    This would set up a message resource bundle provided in the file
  -    <code></code> under the default key.
  -    Missing resource keys would be displayed as '<i>???keyname???</i>'.
  -    </p>
  -    </section>
  -    <section name="4.6.4 PlugIn Configuration" href="plugin_config">
  -    <p>
  -    Struts PlugIns are configured using the <code>&lt;plug-in&gt;</code> element 
  -    the Struts configuration file. This element has only one valid attribute,
  -    'className', which is the fully qualified name of the Java class which
  -    implements the <code>org.apache.struts.action.PlugIn</code> interface.
  -    </p>
  -    <p>
  -    For PlugIns that require configuration themselves, the nested
  -    <code>&lt;set-property&gt;</code> element is available.
  -    </p>
  -    <p>
  -    This is an example using the Tiles plugin:
  -    </p>
  -&lt;plug-in className="org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesPlugin" &gt;
  -  property="definitions-config" 
  -  value="/WEB-INF/tiles-defs.xml"/&gt;
  -    </section>
  -      <section name="4.6.5 Other Configuration Objects" href="other_config">
  -      <p>
  -      Besides the objects related to defining ActionMappings, the Struts 
configuration may
  -      contain elements that create other useful objects.
  -      </p>
  -      The <code>&lt;data-sources></code> section, which specifies data sources that 
your application can use.
  -      This is how you would specify a basic data source for your application inside 
of struts-config.xml:
  +      The Struts configuration file includes several other elements that you 
  +      can use to customize your application. 
  +      See chapter 7 for details.
  -<!-- configuration for GenericDataSource wrapper -->
  -  <set-property 
  -    property="autoCommit"
  -    value="false"/>
  -  <set-property 
  -    property="description"
  -    value="Example Data Source Configuration"/>
  -  <set-property 
  -    property="driverClass"
  -    value="org.postgresql.Driver"/>
  -  <set-property
  -    property="maxCount"
  -    value="4"/>
  -  <set-property 
  -    property="minCount"
  -    value="2"/>
  -  <set-property 
  -    property="password"
  -    value="mypassword"/>
  -  <set-property 
  -    property="url"
  -    value="jdbc:postgresql://localhost/mydatabase"/>
  -  <set-property 
  -    property="user"
  -    value="myusername"/>
  -<!-- configuration for commons BasicDataSource -->
  -<data-source type="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource">
  -    <set-property 
  -      property="driverClassName"
  -      value="org.postgresql.Driver" />
  -    <set-property 
  -      property="url"
  -      value="jdbc:postgresql://localhost/mydatabase" />
  -    <set-property 
  -      property="maxActive"
  -      value="10" />
  -    <set-property 
  -      property="maxWait"
  -      value="5000" />
  -    <set-property 
  -      property="defaultAutoCommit"
  -      value="false" />
  -    <set-property 
  -      property="defaultReadOnly"
  -      value="false" />
  -    <p>
  -    For information on how to retrieve the data source, see the
  -    <a href="building_model.html#databases">Accessing Relational Databases</a> 
  -    </p>
  -    <p>
  -    <i>Note: Since Struts is now using commons-dbcp for all it's
  -    data-source needs, the query you provide for the pingQuery
  -    attribute must return at least one row.</i>
  -    </p>
  -    <p>
  -    <b>Example:</b> <code>SELECT COUNT(*) FROM VALIDTABLE</code>
  -    </p>
  -    <p>
  -    Just be sure you to replace "VALIDTABLE" with the name of a valid table in your 
  -    </p>
  -    </section>
  -    <section name="4.7 The Web Application Deployment Descriptor" href="dd_config">
  -      <p>
  -        The final step in setting up the application is to configure the application
  -        deployment descriptor (stored in file <code>WEB-INF/web.xml</code>) to 
  -        all the Struts components that are required.  Using the deployment 
  -        for the example application as a guide, we see that the following entries 
  -        to be created or modified.
  -      </p>
  -    </section>
  -      <section name="4.7.1 Configure the Action Servlet Instance" 
  -        <p>
  -          Add an entry defining the action servlet itself, along with the 
  -          initialization parameters. Such an entry might look like this:
  -        </p>
  -  <servlet-name>action</servlet-name>
  -  <servlet-class>
  -    org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet
  -  </servlet-class>
  -  <init-param>
  -    <param-name>application</param-name>
  -    <param-value>
  -      org.apache.struts.example.ApplicationResources
  -    </param-value>
  -  </init-param>
  -  <init-param>
  -    <param-name>config</param-name>
  -    <param-value>
  -      /WEB-INF/struts-config.xml
  -    </param-value>
  -  </init-param>
  -  <init-param>
  -    <param-name>debug</param-name>
  -    <param-value>2</param-value>
  -  </init-param>
  -  <init-param>
  -    <param-name>mapping</param-name>
  -    <param-value>
  -      org.apache.struts.example.ApplicationMapping
  -    </param-value>
  -  </init-param>
  -  <load-on-startup>2</load-on-startup>
  -        <p>
  -          The initialization parameters supported by the controller servlet are
  -          described below. (You can also find these details in the <a
  -          href="../api/index.html">Javadocs</a> for the ActionServlet class.) 
Square brackets
  -          describe the default values that are assumed if you do not provide a 
value for
  -          that initialization parameter.
  -        </p>
  - <ul>
  - <li><strong>config</strong> - Context-relative path to the XML resource
  -     containing the configuration information for the default module.
  -     [/WEB-INF/struts-config.xml].</li>
  - <li><strong>config/${module}</strong> - Context-relative path to the XML resource
  -     containing the configuration information for the application module that
  -     will use the specified prefix (/${module}). This can be repeated as many
  -     times as required for multiple application modules. (Since Struts 1.1)</li>
  - <li><strong>convertNull</strong> - Force simulation of the Struts 1.0 behavior
  -     when populating forms. If set to true, the numeric Java wrapper class types
  -     (like <code>java.lang.Integer</code>) will default to null (rather than 0).
  -     (Since Struts 1.1) [false] </li>
  - <li><strong>debug</strong> - TThe debugging detail level that controls how much
  -     information is logged for this servlet. Accepts values 0 (off) and from
  -     1 (least serious) through 6 (most serious). [0]</li>
  - <li><strong>detail</strong> - The debugging detail level for the Digester
  -     we utilize to process the application module configuration files. Accepts
  -     values 0 (off) and 1 (least serious) through 6 (most serious). [0]</li>
  - <li><strong>rulesets</strong> - Comma-delimited list of fully qualified
  -     classnames of additional <code>org.apache.commons.digester.RuleSet</code>
  -     instances that should be added to the <code>Digester</code> that will
  -     be processing <code>struts-config.xml</code> files.  By default, only
  -     the <code>RuleSet</code> for the standard configuration elements is
  -     loaded.  (Since Struts 1.1)</li>
  - <li><strong>validating</strong> - Should we use a validating XML parser to
  -     process the configuration file (strongly recommended)? [true]</li>
  - </ul>
  - <p>The following parameters may still be used with the Struts 1.1 release but
  - are <b>deprecated</b>.</p>
  - <ul>
  - <li><strong>application</strong> - Java class name of the application
  -     resources bundle base class.  [NONE]
  -     <em>DEPRECATED - Configure this using the "parameter" attribute
  -     of the &lt;message-resources&gt; element.</em></li>
  - <li><strong>bufferSize</strong> - The size of the input buffer used when
  -     processing file uploads.  [4096]
  -     <em>DEPRECATED - Configure this using the "bufferSize" attribute
  -     of the &lt;controller&gt; element.</em></li>
  - <li><strong>content</strong> - Default content type and character encoding
  -     to be set on each response; may be overridden by a forwarded-to
  -     servlet or JSP page.  [text/html]
  -     <em>DEPRECATED - Configure this using the "contentType" attribute
  -     of the &lt;controller&gt; element.</em></li>
  - <li><strong>factory</strong> - The Java class name of the
  -     <code>MessageResourcesFactory</code> used to create the application
  -     <code>MessageResources</code> object.
  -     [org.apache.struts.util.PropertyMessageResourcesFactory]
  -     <em>DEPRECATED - Configure this using the "factory" attribute
  -     of the &lt;message-resources&gt; element.</em></li>
  - <li><strong>formBean</strong> - The Java class name of the ActionFormBean
  -     implementation to use [org.apache.struts.action.ActionFormBean].
  -     <em>DEPRECATED - Configure this using the "className" attribute
  -     of each &lt;form-bean&gt; element.</em></li>
  - <li><strong>forward</strong> - The Java class name of the ActionForward
  -     implementation to use [org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward].
  -     Two convenient classes you may wish to use are:
  -     <ul>
  -     <li><em>org.apache.struts.action.ForwardingActionForward</em> -
  -         Subclass of <code>org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward</code>
  -         that defaults the <code>redirect</code> property to
  -         <code>false</code> (same as the ActionForward default value).</li>
  -     <li><em>org.apache.struts.action.RedirectingActionForward</em> -
  -         Subclass of <code>org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward</code>
  -         that defaults the <code>redirect</code> property to
  -         <code>true</code>.</li>
  -     </ul>
  -     <em>DEPRECATED - Configure this using the "className" attribute of
  -     each &lt;forward&gt; element.</em></li>
  - <li><strong>locale</strong> - If set to <code>true</code>, and there is a
  -     user session, identify and store an appropriate
  -     <code>java.util.Locale</code> object (under the standard key
  -     identified by <code>Action.LOCALE_KEY</code>) in the user's session
  -     if there is not a Locale object there already. [true]
  -     <em>DEPRECATED - Configure this using the "locale" attribute of
  -     the &lt;controller&gt; element.</em></li>
  - <li><strong>mapping</strong> - The Java class name of the ActionMapping
  -     implementation to use [org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping].
  -     Two convenient classes you may wish to use are:
  -     <ul>
  -     <li><em>org.apache.struts.action.RequestActionMapping</em> - Subclass
  -         of <code>org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping</code> that
  -         defaults the <code>scope</code> property to "request".</li>
  -     <li><em>org.apache.struts.action.SessionActionMapping</em> - Subclass
  -         of <code>org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping</code> that
  -         defaults the <code>scope</code> property to "session".  (Same
  -         as the ActionMapping default value).</li>
  -     </ul>
  -     <em>DEPRECATED - Configure this using the "className" attribute of
  -     each &lt;action&gt; element, or globally for a module by using the
  -     "type" attribute of the &lt;action-mappings&gt; element.</em></li>
  - <li><strong>maxFileSize</strong> - The maximum size (in bytes) of a file
  -     to be accepted as a file upload.  Can be expressed as a number followed
  -     by a "K" "M", or "G", which are interpreted to mean kilobytes,
  -     megabytes, or gigabytes, respectively.  [250M]
  -     <em>DEPRECATED - Configure this using the "maxFileSize" attribute of
  -     the &lt;controller&gt; element.</em></li>
  - <li><strong>multipartClass</strong> - The fully qualified name of the
  -     MultipartRequestHandler implementation class to be used for processing
  -     file uploads. If set to <code>none</code>, disables Struts multipart
  -     request handling.  [org.apache.struts.upload.CommonsMultipartRequestHandler]
  -     <em>DEPRECATED - Configure this using the "multipartClass" attribute of
  -     the &lt;controller&gt; element.</em></li>
  - <li><strong>nocache</strong> - If set to <code>true</code>, add HTTP headers
  -     to every response intended to defeat browser caching of any response we
  -     generate or forward to.  [false]
  -     <em>DEPRECATED - Configure this using the "nocache" attribute of
  -     the &lt;controller&gt; element.</em></li>
  - <li><strong>null</strong> - If set to <code>true</code>, set our application
  -     resources to return <code>null</code> if an unknown message key is used.
  -     Otherwise, an error message including the offending message key will
  -     be returned.  [true]
  -     <em>DEPRECATED - Configure this using the "null" attribute of
  -     the &lt;message-resources&gt; element.</em></li>
  - <li><strong>tempDir</strong> - The temporary working directory to use when
  -     processing file uploads.  [The working directory provided to this web
  -     application as a servlet context attribute]
  -     <em>DEPRECATED - Configure this using the "tempDir" attribute of
  -     the &lt;controller&gt; element.</em></li>
  - </ul>
  -      </section>
  -      <section name="4.7.2 Configure the Action Servlet Mapping" 
  -        <p>
  -          <strong>Note:</strong> The material in this section is not specific to
  -          Struts. The configuration of servlet mappings is defined in the Java
  -          Servlet Specification. This section describes the most common means
  -          of configuring a Struts application.
  -        </p>
  -        <p>
  -          There are two common approaches to defining the URLs that will
  -          be processed by the controller servlet -- prefix matching and extension
  -          matching.  An appropriate mapping entry for each approach will be
  -          described below.
  -        </p>
  -        <p>
  -          Prefix matching means that you want all URLs that start (after the context
  -          path part) with a particular value to be passed to this servlet.  Such an
  -          entry might look like this:
  -        </p>
  -  &lt;servlet-mapping&gt;
  -     &lt;servlet-name&gt;action&lt;/servlet-name&gt;
  -     &lt;url-pattern&gt;/do/*&lt;/url-pattern&gt;
  -   &lt;/servlet-mapping&gt;
  -        <p>
  -          which means that a request URI to match the <code>/logon</code> path
  -          described earlier might look like this:</p>
  -        <p>
  -          where <code>/myapplication</code> is the context path under which your
  -          application is deployed.
  -        </p>
  -        <p>
  -          Extension mapping, on the other hand, matches request URIs to the action
  -          servlet based on the fact that the URI ends with a period followed by a
  -          defined set of characters.  For example, the JSP processing servlet is 
  -          to the <code>*.jsp</code> pattern so that it is called to process every
  -          JSP page that is requested.  To use the <code>*.do</code> extension (which
  -          implies "do something"), the mapping entry would look like this:
  -        </p>
  -  &lt;servlet-mapping&gt;
  -     &lt;servlet-name&gt;action&lt;/servlet-name&gt;
  -     &lt;url-pattern&gt;*.do&lt;/url-pattern&gt;
  -   &lt;/servlet-mapping&gt;
  -        <p>
  -          and a request URI to match the <code>/logon</code> path described
  -          earlier might look like this:
  -        </p>
  -        <p><font color="red"><strong>WARNING</strong></font> - Struts will not
  -        operate correctly if you define more than one
  -        <code>&lt;servlet-mapping&gt;</code> element for the controller
  -        servlet.</p>
  -        <p><font color="red"><strong>WARNING</strong></font> - If you are using
  -        the new module support in Struts 1.1, you should be aware
  -        that <strong>only</strong> extension mapping is supported.</p>
  -      </section>
  -      <section name="4.7.3 Configure the Struts Tag Library" 
  -        <p>
  -          Next, you must add an entry defining the Struts tag library. There are 
six taglibs
  -          included with the Struts distribution.
  -        </p>
  -        <p>
  -          The struts-bean taglib contains tags useful in accessing
  -          beans and their properties, as well as defining new beans (based on these 
accesses) that are
  -          accessible to the remainder of the page via scripting variables and page 
scope attributes.
  -          Convenient mechanisms to create new beans based on the value of request 
cookies, headers,
  -          and parameters are also provided.
  -        </p>
  -        <p>
  -          The struts-html taglib contains tags used to create struts input forms, 
as well as other
  -          tags generally useful in the creation of HTML-based user interfaces.
  -        </p>
  -        <p>
  -          The struts-logic taglib contains tags that are useful in managing 
conditional generation
  -          of output text, looping over object collections for repetitive generation 
of output text,
  -          and application flow management.
  -        </p>
  -        <p>
  -          The struts-template taglib contains tags that define a template mechanism.
  -        </p>
  -        <p>
  -          The struts-tiles taglib contains tags used for combining various view 
  -          called "tiles", into a final composite view.  This is similar to 
struts-template in that
  -          it's used for view composition, but tiles is a more full featured set of 
  -        </p>
  -        <p>
  -        The struts-nested taglib is an extension of other struts taglibs that 
allows the use
  -        of nested beans.
  -        </p>
  -        <p>
  -          Below is how you would define all taglibs for use within your application.
  -          In practice, you would only specify the taglibs that your application 
  -        </p>
  -  &lt;taglib-uri&gt;
  -    /tags/struts-bean
  -  &lt;/taglib-uri&gt;
  -  &lt;taglib-location&gt;
  -    /WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld
  -  &lt;/taglib-location&gt;
  -  &lt;taglib-uri&gt;
  -    /tags/struts-html
  -  &lt;/taglib-uri&gt;
  -  &lt;taglib-location&gt;
  -    /WEB-INF/struts-html.tld
  -  &lt;/taglib-location&gt;
  -  &lt;taglib-uri&gt;
  -    /tags/struts-logic
  -  &lt;/taglib-uri&gt;
  -  &lt;taglib-location&gt;
  -    /WEB-INF/struts-logic.tld
  -  &lt;/taglib-location&gt;
  -  &lt;taglib-uri&gt;
  -    /tags/struts-tiles
  -  &lt;/taglib-uri&gt;
  -  &lt;taglib-location&gt;
  -    /WEB-INF/struts-tiles.tld
  -  &lt;/taglib-location&gt;
  -        <p>
  -          This tells the JSP system where to find the tag library descriptor
  -          for this library (in your application's WEB-INF directory, instead of
  -          out on the Internet somewhere).
  -        </p>
  -      </section>
  -      <section name=" Configure the Struts Tag Library (Servlet 2.3)" 
  -      <p>
  -        <b>Servlet 2.3 Users only:</b> The Servlet 2.3 specification simplifies the
  -        deployment and configuration of tag libraries.  The instructions above will 
  -        on older containers as well as 2.3 containers (Struts only requires a 
servlet 2.2 container);
  -        however, if you're using a 2.3 container such as Tomcat 4.x, you can take 
advantage of
  -        a simplified deployment.
  -       </p>
  -      <p>
  -        All that's required to install the struts tag libraries is to copy 
struts.jar into
  -        your /WEB-INF/lib directory and reference the tags in your code like this:
  -        <br/>
  -        <code>&lt;%@ taglib uri=""; 
prefix="html" %&gt;</code>
  -        <br/>
  -        Note that you <b>must use the full uri</b> defined in the various struts 
tlds so that the container
  -        knows where to find the tag's class files. You don't have to alter your 
web.xml file or
  -        copy tlds into any application directories.
  -       </p>
  -     </section>
  -      <section name="4.7.4 Configuring your application for modules" 
  -        <p>
  -        Very little is required in order to start taking advantage of the Struts
  -        application module feature.  Just go through the following steps:
  -        </p>
  -        <ol>
  -          <li>Prepare a config file for each module.</li>
  -          <li>Inform the controller of your module.</li>
  -          <li>Use actions to refer to your pages.</li>
  -        </ol>
  -      </section>
  -      <section name=" Module Configuration Files" href="module_config-files">
  -        <p>
  -          Back in Struts 1.0, a few "boot-strap" options were placed in the web.xml 
  -          and the bulk of the configuration was done in a single struts-config.xml 
  -          Obviously, this wasn't ideal for a team environment, since multiple users 
  -          to share the same configuration file.  Modules to the rescue!
  -        </p>
  -        <p>
  -          With the advent of modules, a given module has it's
  -          own configuration file.  This means each team (each module would 
presumably be
  -          developed by a single team) has their own configuration file, and there 
  -          be a lot less contention when trying to modify it.
  -        </p>
  -      </section>
  -      <section name=" Informing the Controller" 
  -        <p>
  -          In struts 1.0, you listed your configuration file as an initialization 
  -          to the action servlet in web.xml.  This is still done in 1.1, but it's 
  -          a little.  In order to tell the Struts machinery about your different
  -          modules, you specify multiple config initialization parameters, with a
  -          slight twist.  You'll still use "config" to tell the action servlet about 
  -          "default" module, however, for each additional module, you will
  -          list an initialization parameter named "config/module", where module is 
the name
  -          of your module (this gets used when determining which URIs fall under a
  -          given module, so choose something meaningful!).  For example:
  -        </p>
  -    ...
  -    &lt;init-param&gt;
  -      &lt;param-name&gt;config&lt;/param-name&gt;
  -      &lt;param-value&gt;/WEB-INF/conf/struts-default.xml&lt;/param-value&gt;
  -    &lt;/init-param&gt;
  -    &lt;init-param&gt;
  -      &lt;param-name&gt;config/module1&lt;/param-name&gt;
  -      &lt;param-value&gt;/WEB-INF/conf/struts-module1.xml&lt;/param-value&gt;
  -    &lt;/init-param&gt;
  -    ...
  -        <p>
  -          This says I have two modules.  One happens to be the "default" module,
  -          which has no "/module" in it's name, and one named "module1" 
(config/module1).  I've told
  -          the controller it can find their respective configurations under 
/WEB-INF/conf (which is
  -          where I put all my configuration files).  Pretty simple!
  -        </p>
  -        <p>
  -          (My struts-default.xml would be equivalent to what most folks call 
struts-config.xml.  I just
  -          like the symmety of having all my Struts module files being named 
  -        </p>
         <section name=" Using Actions for Pages" 
  @@ -1414,23 +817,7 @@
  -      <section name="4.8 Add Struts Components To Your Application" 
  -        <p>
  -         To use Struts, you must copy the .tld files that you require into
  -         your <code>WEB-INF</code> directory, and copy <code>struts.jar</code>
  -         (and all of the <code>commons-*.jar</code> files) into your
  -         <code>WEB-INF/lib</code> directory.
  -        </p>
  -        <p>
  -         <b>Servlet 2.3 Users:</b> See <a href="#dd_config_taglib_23">section</a>
  -         for how to avoid copying the tlds into your application.
  -        </p>
  -      </section>
  -      <section name="4.9 Commons Logging Interface" href="logging">
  +      <section name="4.8 Commons Logging Interface" href="logging">
           Struts doesn't configure logging itself -- it's all done by
           commons-logging under the covers. The default algorithm is a search:

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