Phase Web and Multimedia wrote:

I see my world breaking into a few pieces


So, in this we all get the lines blurred. I believe that the struts
framework has it's way of handling all of this. But, action chaining is not
one of them "by design". I'm not saying you can't or you shouldn't. I am
just saying that it was build to do that elegantly. Processing Pipelines are
nice but IMHO struts isn't built to do it elegantly.

The issues that I see are how the Form is tied to the Action. The lines get
awfully blurry and you run the risk of breaking your code when you make
changes. If you make a change up the "chain" it may affect something down
the line. To me it means more work trying to make sure that any change to
one action isn't going to blow of 5 other dependent ones.

Well, I can see where you're going, and I agree that you *could* create quite a conundrum (sp?) by building a very long chain. I don't view a deleteDetail action redirecting to a showDetails action as much of a risk though.

Anyways, I am not saying you can't or shouldn't I am just saying. BE DARN

What is that not true of? ;-O

Eddie Bush

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