I used to use a regular text editor for writing Java, after having tried or
used Visual Studio, Visual Cafe, JBuilder, Supercede, etc. in the past and
found them not worth the inertia of starting and editing with them. But I
tried IntelliJ IDEA after some co-workers started raving about it, and I
will never go back. It does so many cool things that I feel totally
unproductive without it now. Refactorings, good search and replace, CVS
integration, Ant integration, JUnit integration, code reformatting, key
bindings for every command as a rule (good for the kings of the keyboard),
alternate key bindings (Emacs, others), continuous code analysis (highlight
unused variables, etc.), smart XML and JSP editing, easily debug code
running on your app server, etc. And it is easy to do all this stuff. Sure,
it is possible to do some of these things with other editing systems, but
IDEA makes it easy and does things smartly (it knows which 'i's in the
current file are really the variable you want to rename, rather than
replacing every 'i' in the file). Being able to do something easily is often
the difference between doing it and not doing it -- IDEA empowers you by
making lots of useful things easy to do. Rename a class and it will remove
the file from CVS, add it under its new name, update all references to the
file, etc. with just a few clicks (or key presses). It is pure Java, so you
can use it on any platform. I won't lie -- it can be slow sometimes -- but
unlike other IDEs I have tried, the features it offers far outweigh the
performance disadvantage versus a native text editor. And even though it can
be slow sometimes, I don't really find myself waiting for it very often
(besides startup). We have people around the office using it on 466 Celeron
systems, so I guess it is fast enough.

The IntelliJ IDEA motto is "Develop with Pleasure" and they certainly
deliver on that promise. I am not affiliated with IntelliJ in any way other
than loving their IDEA product. If it sounds like something you might like,
download an evaluation version and give it a try:


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