husted      2002/12/27 03:15:06

  Modified:    doc/userGuide dev_validator.xml
  Port David's overview -- these sections need to be reviewed in the context of the 
current codebase.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.19      +401 -43   jakarta-struts/doc/userGuide/dev_validator.xml
  Index: dev_validator.xml
  RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-struts/doc/userGuide/dev_validator.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.18
  retrieving revision 1.19
  diff -u -r1.18 -r1.19
  --- dev_validator.xml 27 Dec 2002 10:24:05 -0000      1.18
  +++ dev_validator.xml 27 Dec 2002 11:15:06 -0000      1.19
  @@ -34,34 +34,387 @@
  -    [:TODO: Cover basic functionality as documented on David's web site.
  -    <a href="";>Validation Framework for
  -    Struts </a>]
  +    Once you have configured the Validator Plug-In, so that it can load your
  +    Validator Resources you just have to extend
  +    <code>org.apache.struts.validator.action.ValidatorForm</code> instead of
  +    <code>org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm</code>.
  +    Then when the <code>validate</code> method is called, the action's name
  +    attribute from the struts-config.xml is used to load the validations for
  +    the current form.
  +    So the form element's <code>name</code> attribute in the
  +    validator-rules.xml should match  action element's <code>name</code>
  +    attribute.
  +    </p>
  +    <p>
  +    Another alternative is to use the action mapping you are currently on by
  +    extending the ValidatorActionForm instead of the ValidatorForm.
  +    The ValidatorActionForm uses the action element's <code>path</code>
  +    attribute from the struts-config.xml which should match the form element's
  +    <code>name</code> attribute in the validator-rules.xml.
  +    </p>
  +    <p>
  +    Then a separate action can be defined for each page in a multi-page form
  +    and the validation rules can be associated with the action and not a page
  +    number as in the example of a multi-page form in the validator example.
  +    </p>
  +<section href="i18n" name="Internationalization">
  +    <p>
  +    Validation rules for forms can be grouped under a <code>FormSet</code>
  +    element in the validator-rules.xml file.
  +    The <code>FormSet</code> has language, country, and variant attributes that
  +    correspond with the <code>java.util.Locale</code> class.
  +    If they are not used, the <code>FormSet</code>  will be set to the default
  +    locale.
  +    A <code>FormSet</code>  can also have constants associated with it.
  +    On the same level as a <code>FormSet</code>  there can be a global element
  +    which can also have constants and have validator actions that perform
  +    validations.
  +    </p>
  +    <p>
  +    The default error message for a pluggable validator can be overriden with
  +    the <code>msg</code> element.
  +    So instead of using the <code>msg</code> attribute for the mask validator
  +    to generate the error message the <code>msg</code> attribute from the
  +    field will be used if the name of the field's name attribute matches the
  +    validator's name attribute.
  +    </p>
  +    property="lastName"
  +    depends="required,mask">
  +    <msg
  +        name="mask"
  +        key="registrationForm.lastname.maskmsg"/>
  +    <arg0 key="registrationForm.lastname.displayname"/>
  +    <var>
  +        <var-name>mask</var-name>
  +        <var-value>^[a-zA-Z]*$</var-value>
  +    </var>
  +    <p>
  +    The arguments for error messages can be set with the arg0-arg3 elements.
  +    If the arg0-arg3 elements' name attribute isn't set, it will become the
  +    default arg value for the different error messages constructed.
  +    If the name attribute is set, you can specify the argument for a specific
  +    pluggable validator and then this will be used for constructing the error
  +    message.
  +    </p>
  +    property="lastName"
  +    depends="required,mask">
  +    <msg
  +        name="mask"
  +        key="registrationForm.lastname.maskmsg"/>
  +    <arg0 key="registrationForm.lastname.displayname"/>
  +    <var>
  +        <var-name>mask</var-name>
  +        <var-value>^[a-zA-Z]*$</var-value>
  +    </var>
  +    <p>
  +    By default the arg0-arg3 elements will try to look up the <code>key</code>
  +    attribute in the message resources.
  +    If the resource attribute is set to false, it will pass in the value directly
  +    without retrieving the value from the message resources.
  +    </p>
  +    property="integer"
  +    depends="required,integer,range">
  +    <arg0 key="typeForm.integer.displayname"/>
  +    <arg1
  +        name="range"
  +        key="${var:min}"
  +        resource="false"/>
  +    <arg2
  +        name="range"
  +        key="${var:max}"
  +        resource="false"/>
  +    <var>
  +        <var-name>min</var-name>
  +        <var-value>10</var-value>
  +    </var>
  +    <var>
  +        <var-name>max</var-name>
  +        <var-value>20</var-value>
  +    </var>
  +    </field>
  +<section href="members" name="Constants/Variables">
  +    <p>
  +    Global constants can be inside the global tags and FormSet/Locale
  +    constants can be created in the formset tags.
  +    Constants are currently only replaced in the Field's property attribute,
  +    the Field's var element value attribute, the Field's msg element key
  +    attribute, and Field's arg0-arg3 element's key attribute.
  +    A Field's variables can also be substituted in the arg0-arg3
  +    elements (ex: ${var:min}).
  +    The order of replacement is FormSet/Locale constants are replaced first,
  +    Global constants second, and for the arg elements variables are replaced
  +    last.
  +    </p>
  +    <constant
  +        name="zip"
  +        value="^\d{5}(-\d{4})?$" />
  +   property="zip"
  +   depends="required,mask">
  +<arg0 key="registrationForm.zippostal.displayname"/>
  + <var-name>mask</var-name>
  + <var-value>${zip}</var-value>
  +    <p>
  +    The var element under a field can be used to store variables for use by a
  +    pluggable validator.
  +    These variables are available through the Field's
  +    <code>getVar(String key)</code> method.
  +    </p>
  +    property="integer"
  +    depends="required,integer,range">
  +    <arg0 key="typeForm.integer.displayname"/>
  +    <arg1
  +        name="range"
  +        key="${var:min}"
  +        resource="false"/>
  +    <arg2
  +        name="range"
  +        key="${var:max}"
  +        resource="false"/>
  +    <var>
  +        <var-name>min</var-name>
  +        <var-value>10</var-value>
  +    </var>
  +    <var>
  +        <var-name>max</var-name>
  +        <var-value>20</var-value>
  +    </var>
  +    </field>
  +<section href="plugs" name="Pluggable Validators">
  +    <p>
  +    Validation actions are read from the validation.xml file.
  +    The default actions are setup in the validation.xml file.
  +    The ones currently configured are required, mask ,byte, short, int, long,
  +    float, double, date (without locale support), and a numeric range.
  +    </p>
  +    <p>
  +    The 'mask' action depends on required in the default setup.
  +    That means that 'required' has to successfully completed before 'mask' will
  +    run.
  +    The 'required' and 'mask' action are partially built into the framework.
  +    Any field that isn't 'required' will skip other actions if the field is null
  +    or has a length of zero.
  +    </p>
  +    <p>
  +    If the <a href="struts-html.html#javascript">Javascript Tag</a> is used,
  +    the client side Javascript  eneration looks for a value in the validator's
  +    javascript attribute and generates an object that the supplied method can
  +    use to validate the form.
  +    For a more detailed explanation of how the Javascript Validator Tag works,
  +    see the <a href="struts-html.html">html taglib API reference</a>.
  +    </p>
  +    <p>
  +    The 'mask' action lets you validate a regular expression mask to the field.
  +    It uses the Regular Expression Package from the jakarta site.
  +    All validation rules can be stored in the validator-rules.xml file.
  +    The main class used is <code>org.apache.regexp.RE</code>.
  +    </p>
  +    <p>
  +    Example Validator Configuration from validation.xml.
  +    </p>
  +<validator name="required"
  +     classname="org.apache.struts.validator.util.StrutsValidatorUtil"
  +     method="validateRequired"
  +     msg="errors.required"/>
  +<validator name="mask"
  +     classname="org.apache.struts.validator.util.StrutsValidatorUtil"
  +     method="validateMask"
  +     depends="required"
  +     msg="errors.invalid"/>
  +    <p>
  +    <strong>Creating Pluggable Validators</strong>
  +    </p>
  +    <p>
  +    The ValidatorAction method needs to have the following signature.
  +    </p>
  + org.apache.commons.validator.ValidatorAction,
  + org.apache.commons.validator.Field,
  + org.apache.struts.action.ActionErrors,
  + javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest,
  + javax.servlet.ServletContext)
  +    <ul>
  +        <li>
  +        <code>java.lang.Object</code>
  +        - Bean validation is being performed on.
  +        </li>
  +        <li>
  +        <code>org.apache.commons.validator.ValidatorAction</code>
  +        - The current ValidatorAction being performed.
  +        </li>
  +        <li>
  +        <code>org.apache.commons.validator.Field</code>
  +        - Field object being validated.
  +        </li>
  +        <li>
  +        <code>org.apache.struts.action.ActionErrors</code>
  +        - The errors objects to add an ActionError to if the validation fails.
  +        </li>
  +        <li>
  +        <code>javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest</code>
  +        - Current request object.
  +        </li>
  +        <li>
  +        <code>javax.servlet.ServletContext</code>
  +        - The application's ServletContext.
  +        </li>
  +    </ul>
  +    <p>
  +    <strong>Multi Page Forms</strong>
  -Changes in the validator behavior and deprecation of functionality from
  -original validator
  +    <p>
  +    The field element has an optional page attribute.
  +    It can be set to an integer.
  +    All validation for the any field page value less than or equal to the
  +    current page is performed server side.
  +    All validation for the any field page equal to the current page is
  +    generated for the client side Javascript.
  +    A mutli-part form expects the page attribute to be set.
  +    </p>
  +<html:hidden property="page" value="1"/>
  -Struts 1.1 has also added additional functionality over the original validator
  -contributed by David Winterfeldt.
  +    <p>
  +    <strong>Comparing Two Fields</strong>
  +    </p>
  +    <p>
  +    This is an example of how you could compare two fields to see if they
  +    have the same value.
  +    A good example of this is when you are validating a user changing their
  +    password and there is the main password field and a confirmation field.
  +    </p>
  -Conditionally required fields
  +<validator name="twofields"
  +       classname="com.mysite.StrutsValidator"
  +       method="validateTwoFields"
  +       msg="errors.twofields"/>
  -<code>intRange</code> &amp; <code>floatRange</code> methods in both JavaScript
  -and Java
  +<field property="password"
  +       depends="required,twofields">
  +          <arg0 key="typeForm.password.displayname"/>
  +          <var>
  +             <var-name>secondProperty</var-name>
  +             <var-value>password2</var-value>
  +          </var>
  +public static boolean validateTwoFields(
  +    Object bean,
  +    ValidatorAction va, 
  +    Field field,
  +    ActionErrors errors,
  +    HttpServletRequest request, 
  +    ServletContext application) {
  +    String value = ValidatorUtil.getValueAsString(
  +        bean, 
  +        field.getProperty());
  +    String sProperty2 = field.getVarValue("secondProperty");
  +    String value2 = ValidatorUtil.getValueAsString(
  +        bean, 
  +        sProperty2);
  +    if (!GenericValidator.isBlankOrNull(value)) {
  +       try {
  +          if (!value.equals(value2)) {
  +             errors.add(field.getKey(),
  +                ValidatorUtil.getActionError(
  +                    application,
  +                    request,
  +                    va,
  +                    field));
  +             return false;
  +          }
  +       } catch (Exception e) {
  +             errors.add(field.getKey(),
  +                ValidatorUtil.getActionError(
  +                    application,
  +                    request,
  +                    va,
  +                    field));
  +             return false;
  +       }
  +    }
  +    return true;
  @@ -92,6 +445,15 @@
   <section href="validator-changes" name="Changes and deprecations">
  +    <strong>New tag attributes.</strong>
  +    </p>
  +    <p>
  +    The <a href="struts-html.html#javascript">&lt;html:javascript&gt; tag</a>
  +    has new attributes defined.
  +    </p>
  +    <p>
       <strong>Validating against the DTD in the commons-validator.jar.</strong>
  @@ -124,35 +486,15 @@
  -    <strong>New tag attributes.</strong>
  +    <strong>New range methods.</strong>
  -    The <a href="struts-html.html#javascript">&lt;html:javascript&gt; tag</a>
  -    has new attributes defined.
  +    <code>intRange</code> &amp; <code>floatRange</code> methods in both
  +    JavaScript and Java
  -    <strong>Deprecations.</strong>
  -    </p>
  -    <ul>
  -        <li>
  -        Deprecation of <code>range</code> methods in both JavaScript and Java.
  -        </li>
  -        <li>
  -        Deprecation of StrutsValidator &amp; StrutsValidatorUtil.
  -        </li>
  -    </ul>
  -<section href="validator-new" name="New features">
  -    <p>
       <strong>Conditionally required fields.</strong>
  @@ -293,6 +635,22 @@
       You can have an arbitrary number of fields by using the [n] syntax,
       the only restriction is that they must all be AND or OR, you can't mix.
  +    <p>
  +    <strong>Deprecations.</strong>
  +    </p>
  +    <ul>
  +        <li>
  +        Deprecation of <code>range</code> methods in both JavaScript and Java.
  +        </li>
  +        <li>
  +        Deprecation of StrutsValidator &amp; StrutsValidatorUtil.
  +        </li>
  +    </ul>

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